Music / rock

The cult

Reviews (3)


d. 21. Feb. 2021



Henrik Kjellerup Bro

d. 21. Feb. 2021

"Jeg må indrømme, at jeg har et lidt blødt punkt for Crystal Viper i almindelighed og forsanger Marta Gabriel i særdeleshed. Polakkerne er bestemt ikke fornyere indenfor heavy metal-genren. Men der er et herligt smittende engagement hos bandet, og det eksekverer den traditionelle metal på ganske overbevisende måde ... Crystal Viper leverer måske ikke noget epokegørende nyt. Men bandet leverer. Og det er det vigtigste. Som metal-fan kan man roligt føle sig rigtigt godt hjemme hos Crystal Viper".

Ghost Cult

d. 12. Feb. 2021



Michael Miller

d. 12. Feb. 2021

"Overall, Crystal Viper's The Cult is an old school heavy metal album through and through, perfectly produced and performed with precision without sounding too watered down or mechanical. I wouldn't recommend diving in expecting anything not done by the book, but do expect the content itself to be well worth a read (well, listen)".

Angry metal guy

d. 10. Feb. 2021



Dr. A.N. Grier

d. 10. Feb. 2021

"It's important to note that while I wouldn't call this new album "safe," it's more accessible. And, that's not a bad thing. Initially, I wasn't convinced, but after a couple of spins, I noticed the details. In the end, though, it's fun, full of energy, and packed to the gills with riffs straight outta last century".