Music / jazz

The dead don't dream

Reviews (3)

d. 1. May 2020



Ivan Rod

d. 1. May 2020

"Det er ikke uden grund, at rygtet om den finske jazztrompetist Verneri Pohjolas talent, spreder sig som ringe i vandet. Bare man lægger øren til hans nye album i eget navn, The Dead Don't Dream, kan man konstatere, at hans kvaliteter står i kø. Man skal ikke høre mere end et par minutter af albummet, før man må sande, at Verneri Pohjola er en musiker med endog meget udtalte kvaliteter - som komponist og instrumentalist, i det hele taget: som artist. Hans musik er enkel og dog kompleks, ekspressiv, dynamisk og dog ydmyg (hvis musik ellers kan være dét)".

Jazz journal

d. 26. July 2020



Garry Booth

d. 26. July 2020

"This is Finnish horn player Verneri Pohjola's fourth album on Edition and it confirms his stature on the European jazz scene. Unlike a lot of contemporary jazz artists, 42-year old Pohjola has developed a mostly pristine sound that's not a hybrid, borrowing from electronica, folk, world or classical music. Forced to make a comparison using a Venn diagram, I'd put him in an overlap that had Kenny Wheeler in one circle and Jon Hassell in the other. His music is much cooler than either, however".


d. 12. May 2020



Michael J. West

d. 12. May 2020

"The reason that this extremely modern music is accessible is that Pohjola is first a communicator. His brassy, clarion trumpet sound sits you straight up in your chair. While he plays ideas you haven't heard before, and while his thoughts don't connect as you anticipate, his journey, sometimes gradually ("Argirro"), sometimes quickly ("Wilder Brother"), always arrives at lyrical epiphanies".