Music / rock

The end of chaos

Reviews (3)

Sonic Perspectives

d. 11. Jan. 2019



Joel Barrios

d. 11. Jan. 2019

"... Flotsam and Jetsam has not slacken the reins, and this record is nothing else but the band at the very top of their game. If the Phoenix disciples arose from their ashes in 2016, now the mythological bird is angry, and out for blood. The End of Chaos goes for the jugular from the get-go and it's already seating at the top of my metal albums for 2019".


d. 8. Feb. 2019



Kent Kirkegaard Jensen

d. 8. Feb. 2019

"Helt overordnet er 'The End of Chaos' en velskrevet, velindspillet og vellykket thrash metal-plade. Flotsam & Jetsam har karrieren igennem været overset, og denne plade kommer nok også til at flyve under radaren for de fleste, men de, der rent faktisk sætter sig med den og lytter til sange som 'Good or Bad' og de andre fremhævede sange her i anmeldelsen, får en thrash-plade fra 2019, der sagtens kan gøre sig blandt de bedre i genren i år".

Angry metal guy

d. 14. Jan. 2019



Huck N Roll

d. 14. Jan. 2019

"... Flotsam and Jetsam have delivered an album in the top end of their discography. The band is firing on all cylinders here, and the guys really sound on top of their game. Ken Mary is a beast behind the kit, and A.K.'s pipes sound better than ever. After a massive lull in their songwriting quality (in line with Angry Metal Guy's Law of Diminishing Recordings), the band have turned the clocks back and delivered two solid albums in a row that are sure to put smiles on the faces of thrash fans everywhere".