Music / rock

The end, so far

Reviews (4)

Gaffa [online]

d. 30. Sep. 2022



Keld Rud

d. 30. Sep. 2022

"Slipknot leverer endnu et sublimt album med deres syvende fuldlængde-udspil ... Ligegyldigt hvilket ærinde de musikalsk er ude i, er de hele vejen igennem bevæbnet med nogle potente sange, som ikke er afhængig af stilistiske tricks for at tage stikkene hjem ... Når de afprøver nye idéer, er det således ikke et udtryk for, at de har givet køb på deres signaturlyd, som man i forskellige former og udgaver kan få i læssevis af på albummet".


d. 29. Sep. 2022



Luke Morton

d. 29. Sep. 2022

"For a band now in their third decade together, there will always be fans moaning the fact they don't sound like Eeyore any more, but they haven't been that band since 2004. Get over it. Slipknot have never been ones to adhere to protocol and this is yet another step in their ongoing evolution, firmly removing them from perceptions of what a metal band should be, and on to something more fulfilling than rewriting Wait And Bleed in more and more expensive studios".


d. 28. Sep. 2022



Andrew Trendell

d. 28. Sep. 2022

"'The End, So Far' may rattle many of the metal faithful, but for the prowess and lasting impression of this record alone, this is a true Slipknot record. It's unlikely that many fans who've been along for the whole ride would jump ship now. Aside from the blood, the gore, the theatrics and the noise, there's clearly always been much more to the band's ability to shock and surprise - and now it seems their next left turn of an era could be their most daring yet".


d. 30. Sep. 2022



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 30. Sep. 2022

"'The End, So Far' er en tiltrængt streg i sandet for et band, der har haft succes med at snyde os til at tro, at middelmådighed og gentagelse er ensbetydende med kvalitet".