Music / blues

The happiest man in the world

Reviews (2)





Timothy Monger


"Journeyman singer/guitarist Eric Bibb has made a career out of inspired collaborations and displaying the kind of versatility that can only be learned from traveling the world with ears open. A New York bluesman with a classic folk pedigree -- his father was respected 1960s folksinger Leon Bibb -- Eric opted to base himself out of Europe, where he found a fan base eager to embrace American roots music ... Lovingly played and written and certainly easy on the ears, The Happiest Man in the World is an apt title for this plate of musical comfort food from Bibb and his band".


2016 July



Dave Peabody

2016 July

"Each time you think Eric Bibb has reached the top of his game, he comes out with another album that raises the bar just a little more ... Songs and music just seem to pour forth from Eric Bibb and, while there is no song here that stands out from the others, the way each song flows into the next is strength of this album. Here's music that's a s fresh as a summer breeze".