Music / rock

The industrialist

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 1. June 2012



Keld Rud

d. 1. June 2012

"Depraved Mind Murder og den punkede Difference Engine er umiddelbart nogle af albummets stærkeste sange. Det lyder dog lidt for meget som om, at bandet imiterer sig selv flere steder på The Industrialist. Desuden er de to afsluttende numre, Religion Is Flawed Because Man Is Flawed og Human Augmentation, ti minutters ligegyldige lydcollager".





Gregory Heaney


"Pummeling tracks like "Recharger" and "Depraved Mind Murder" feel like Cazares and Burton C. Bell are scientists perfecting some kind of ear-destroying technology while the rest of the scientific community calls them mad. While it's certainly good news for Fear Factory fans that the band seems to have found its groove again, this also feels a bit like a weakness in the album. Unlike the machines that the record is about, Fear Factory don't really evolve as much as they constantly refine and retool, so while anyone hoping for more of the same old Fear Factory will find a lot to love about The Industrialist, those who have been hoping for something different might find that the album isn't quite what they were looking for".