Music / rock

The loves of your life

Reviews (6)

Gaffa [online]

d. 22. July 2020



Ole Rosenstand Svidt

d. 22. July 2020

"En bundsolidt soloudspil ... Hamilton Leithauser har på sine soloudgivelser og nyere samarbejder præsenteret et mere alsidigt udtryk end de anderledes stramme The Walkmen, og det gør han også her, hvor det som sædvanlig er hans karakteristiske, ekspressive og til tider småhysteriske stemme, der trækker en del af læsset".


d. 14. Apr. 2020



Madison Bloom

d. 14. Apr. 2020

"The former Walkmen member wrote each of these songs about a specific person, forming an archive of memories that comes alive in his elevated songcraft and dynamic voice".





Heather Phares


"On The Loves of Your Life, he continues that trend, but is working alone. Along with all the singing and songwriting, Leithauser produced the album and played everything on it, but unlike many one-person projects, it never feels insular. In fact, The Loves of Your Life is often looser and freer than any of his previous solo work ... By the time The Loves of Your Life closes with the joyous "The Old King," Leithauser stretches his music into a wide embrace of the past and present that's all the more impressive because it feels so lived-in and genuine".

The Young Folks

d. 16. Apr. 2020



Valeria Voronenkova

d. 16. Apr. 2020

"Truth be told, this is one of the rare albums where no words will do it justice, as Leithauser, being the mundane god that he is, created uncommonly potent and empathetic stories. The Loves of Your Life is a beautifully understandable experience that leaves you wanting to know more".


d. 7. June 2020



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 7. June 2020

"Hamilton Leithauser, [er] klar med endnu et godkendt soloudspil. Nej, heller ikke dette soloudspil emmer af den nødvendighed, som prægede pladerne med The Walkmen, men det er svært ikke at holde af Hamilton Leithauser og hans sarte vokal og behagelige arrangementer".


2020 May



Martin Aston

2020 May

"Since fronting The Walkmen, Sinatra fan Leithauser has added notes of lounge and cabaret croon to an already ripe baritone, venturing where few current rock singers dare to tread. The album title (...) even echoes MOR confectionery, though the arrangements within are more ebullient and wide-ranging: Southern soul ("The Other Half"), quasi-doo-wop ("The Stars Of Tomorrow"), the Nilsson-esque "Cross-Sound Ferry"".