
The soldier's tale

Reviews (22)





James Leonard


" Featuring the expert work of violinist Israel Baker, trumpeter Charles Brady, and percussionist William Kraft along with four other ace L.A. players and recorded by producer John McClure in bright, clean sound in Columbia's Hollywood studios, Stravinsky's 1961 recording of the suite was arguably his most technically secure and interpretively persuasive, and this release cunningly edits and arranges it into a seamless performance. Irons is arch, articulate, and very affecting as the narrator, and anyone looking for a recording of the complete work need not hesitate".

The guardian

d. 16. Mar. 2017



Kate Molleson

d. 16. Mar. 2017

"Birtwistle [is] a superbly laconic Soldier - it sounds as though he couldn't care less when his luck is down; the despondency is glorious - and George Benjamin makes a deliciously supercilious Devil ... Harriet Walter narrates adeptly; the playing of the Royal Academy's Manson Ensemble is taut, fearless and detailed".

MusicWeb international

2021 September



David McDade

2021 September

"Recommended: Does anyone really want to listen to such text more than once or twice, however good the words or the actor? ... Few works present this dilemma quite as powerfully as The Soldier's Tale. Not only does it contain lots of Stravinsky's best music, the music is decidedly theatrical in nature ... As for that music making, I have nothing but praise. In almost every conceivable way this version goes to the top of the pile ... Faust's playing, which is the thread that unites the three works recorded here, is remarkable even by her own exalted standards. Having not just a bona fide virtuoso but probably the greatest living violinist play the solo part of A Soldier's Tale takes this performance to another level compared to many fine rival versions ... Whilst this recording cannot solve the impossible and come up with a genuinely satisfying way of presenting spoken word and music on disc, it amply compensates the listener with vibrant performances that beguile and charm and move in the most entertaining manner imaginable".

Presto classical

d. 27. Aug. 2021



David Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 27. Aug. 2021

"Recording of the week: This is as lively and characterful a performance as you're ever likely to hear - as well as the most historically authentic that I'm aware of Each member of the septet plays on an instrument dating from the period of the work's composition (with the exception of Faust's Stradivarius and Wies de Boevé's double bass). This is particularly noticeable in the wind and percussion, where the soundworld is distinctively different from what modern instruments would create".

MusicWeb international

2017 May



Stephen Barber (musikanmelder)

2017 May

"This works wonderfully well. Birtwistle's fruity and lugubrious soldier seems just the part and Benjamin's wily devil would persuade anyone. Harriet Walter carries the story well, including the passages of melodrama where she has to speak over the music ... The young players of the Royal Academy really revel in these and play with guts and a swagger which must be just what Stravinsky intended. Oliver Knussen does the honours from the podium with his customary skill".


d. 5. Dec. 2018



Valdemar Lønsted

d. 5. Dec. 2018

"I slutningen af Første Verdenskrig komponerede Stravinskij musikken til et teaterstykke om en soldat, der vender hjem fra krigen. Det blev et epokegørende opus ... der har fået en blændende fransk nyindspilning på cd ... Den nye franske cd-version glimrer først og fremmest ved skuespillernes formidable nærvær ... Man oplever det franske teaters dyder med passionerede tirader, musiske temposkift og den sonore galliske intonations farverigdom hos de agerende herrer ... Indspilningens musikere følger Stravinskijs hensigter helt til dørs, den indbyrdes dynamik er superbt koordineret ... og rosen må naturligvis i høj grad også rettes til dirigenten, Jean-Christophe Gavot".

BBC music magazine

2021 December



David Nice

2021 December

"Recording of the month: It's rounded, intensely vocal, intimate, incredibly sophisticated - not the usual, but very welcome, as if the whole thing were an ethereal fairytale ... It's your choice which language version you invest in, but don't miss the musical wonders".

Fono Forum

2022 Januar



Norbert Hornig

2022 Januar

"Anlässlich des 50. Todestages von Igor Strawinsky (6. april 1971) ist eine Vielzahl von Einspielungen erschienen ... Zu den hochrangigen Neuaufnahmen zum Strawinsky-Jahr zählt sicherlich "DIe Geschichte vom Soldaten" in dieser Interpretation. Die Geigerin Isabelle Faust hat für das Projekt eine Riege exzellenter Instrumentalisten um sich versammelt. In der Rolle des Sprechers erleben wir den französischen Schauspieler Dominique Horwitz, der den Stoff ... charakterstark verlebendigt. Die volkstümliche Erzählung ... gelingt dem Ensemble bewundernswert farbig und mit vitaler rhythmischer Prägnanz ... Den zentralen Part der Geige, das Instrument des Soldaten und Symbol seiner Seele, gestaltet Isabelle Faust präzis, tonlich filigran und facettenreich".

Fono Forum

2016 Juni



Giselher Schubert

2016 Juni

"JoAnn Falletta lässt die Musik mit der nötigen Schärfe, mit gleichsam geheimnisvoller Nüchternheit aufführen. Es mag ungerecht sein, einen Musiker hervorzuheben, doch verdient Tianwa Yang ein Sonderlob. Sie ... bietet hier ihren Violinpart mit einer virtuosen Intensität".


2016 mai



Patrick Szersnovicz

2016 mai

BBC music magazine

2016 May



David Nice

2016 May

"The very American actors are all committed, energised and thoroughly prefessional ... The problem is that, right from the start, the players are too polite: this is a soldier with a far too heavy load on his back. All play technically well, but there's no hing of rough countryband rollicking or klezmer panache ... Violinist Tianwa Yang, lighter of touch, comes into her subtle own as the Soldier wins the Princess with his fiddling, but it's not enough".

Classical music

2017 May



Guy Weatherall

2017 May

"A vibrant new version of Stravinsky's pithy drama ... Knussen's account of the score, alongside a generous collection of miniatures by Birtwistle, Maxwell Davies and Stravinsky, is crisp and alert, securing excellent playing throughout, and Harriet Walter's narration is a delight. Excellent sound and presentation".

BBC music magazine

2017 October



Max Loppert

2017 October

"For anyone wanting an English-language account of this key Stravinsky masterpiece ... this set har much to offer. It's recorded in a way to convey to the maximum both the poetic detail and the expert pacing of Knussen's finely-pointed reading, and to give full rein to Dame Harriet's wonderfully free-spirited yet exact Narrator ... [This] disc merits a strong recommendation".


2017 juin



Patrick Szersnovicz

2017 juin

The gramophone

2021 November



Peter Quantrill

2021 November

"Editor's choice: This 'Soldier's Tale' is avaiable in three languages, all of them recited by the French actor Dominique Horwitz ... and Horwitz is the master of it, the ryme, the slang and the task of differentiating between characters and narration ... Faust and her colleagues do indeed evoke the mise en scène of performers pulling up in a dusty square late one afternoon and performing from the back of an old truck ... For a full, modern, English 'Soldier's Tale', Horwitz and Faust and their colleagues go to the rop of the pile alongside the British-music-royalty version led by the late Oliver Knussen".

BBC music magazine

2016 December



David Nice

2016 December

"None of these Virginian performances is quite wild enough, and that problem ultimately rests with the clear-headed but rather safe conductor JoAnn Falletta. I still want to hear more Klezmer swagger for the soldier and the devil, though the sophistication of Tianwa Yang's solos ... repays repeated listening ... The most impressive of the mini-trilogy is Les Noces ... This is a clear and enlighting performance".

Vurdering : 3/5.

The gramophone

2016 May



Tim Ashley

2016 May

"A fine performance all round ... Ensemble values are high, with actors and instrumentalists nicely integrated and a strong sense of give and take that reflects the recording's theatrical origins. Violinist Tianwa Yang is dexterous but unshowy in her all-important solos, but there's never any sense of her attempting to upstage the Virginia Arts Festival Chamber Players, all of whom are very much her match in terms of virtuoso refinement ... This is certainly a contender, if you prefer the piece in English".

The gramophone

2017 March



David Gutman

2017 March

"[In] The Soldier's Tale ... the present team is committed to the mysterious timelessness of the entertainment and its abstractly progressive nature. The complementary, commemorative shorter pieces, including two Birtwistle items, are as exquisitely turned as might be expected from this source".

The gramophone

2018 November



Tim Ashley

2018 November

"It's superbly acted ... Vuillermoz makes a seductive, insidious Devil, though the great performance comes from Denis Podalydès's beautifully realised Soldier ... Gayot, elegant and witty, gives us something closer to cabaret. The playing is dexterous, svelte, at times flamboyant ... Enjoyable".


2018 novembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2018 novembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 19. Apr. 1999


d. 19. Apr. 1999

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 7. June 1999


d. 7. June 1999