Music / rock

The Third Reich 'n roll

Reviews (3)


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Ted Mills

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"Mostly any fan of the group will spend many hours trying to decode all the songs here, all the time with a smile on their face".

Louder than war

d. 21. Jan. 2018



Ian Canty

d. 21. Jan. 2018

"With Third Reich `N Roll the Residents revved up their monster machine and aimed squarely at the bloated belly of the music business, in much the same way 1976 Punk was meant to do, but mostly didn't. Their distaste was clear from the controversial packaging onwards and as the years have gone by although the shock tactics employed seem naïve, Third Reich 'N Roll is still an intriguing listen and a savage satire on empty headed Pop Music being run by hard-headed businessmen. Things haven't changed that much".


d. 28. Dec. 2017



Everett True

d. 28. Dec. 2017

"During the 1970s, The Residents released four of the greatest albums known to eyeball - Meet -, Not Available, the fantastically realised Commercial Album, and the ultimate Inuit soundtrack, Eskimo. They also released two of the worst - the disco remix of Eskimo (Diskomo) and The Third Reich 'N Roll (2/10), a pastiche of 1950s rock'n'roll with a Nazi leitmotif. It was worse than it sounds.Recordings of classic songs were ripped apart and reassembled with no effort whatsoever. The result? Whoa.You'll still want to buy this reissue, though, because it contains the creepiest version of the Stones' Satisfaction ever committed to vinyl. It's got a fucking amazing sleeve as well".