Music / rock

The times

Reviews (4)


d. 19. May 2021



Henrik Friis

d. 19. May 2021

"Bare Young med akustisk guitar og mundharpe - og tydeligt inspireret af den tilspidsede amerikanske valgkamp på det tidspunkt. Det sker mest med dybe kommenterende tilbageblik ... Hvis nogen overhovedet skulle være i tvivl, sætter Young holdningernes skab helt på plads med en opdateret og huggende udgave af 'Lookin' for a Leader 2020' - oprindeligt skrevet i 2006 med håbet om bedre tider med Obama (som emne), men nu i fornyet version med støtte til Biden: 'We don't need a leader / Building walls around our house / Who don't know black lives matter/ It's time to vote him out'".


d. 23. Sep. 2020



Jesse Jarnow

d. 23. Sep. 2020

"The iconic songwriter offers a selection of tunes from across his catalog, performed live in his house and recorded with an iPad. It sounds as starkly homemade as you'd expect".


d. 16. Sep. 2020



Leonie Cooper

d. 16. Sep. 2020

"This EP (...) seems to be a response to the actions of one man and one man alone. Originally broadcast as a part of Neil Young's Fireside Session livestream, `The Times' is a collection of Young's finest protest songs re-recorded for a world that needs them more than ever, and aimed at person who seems intent on destroying it".


d. 17. Sep. 2020



Vish Khanna

d. 17. Sep. 2020

"Hearing Neil Young sing some of his most politically charged songs, on his own, during a pandemic in 2020, is rather startling. Who has more fire in their belly than him? That he can sound as charged up as a 20-year-old, mad as all hell during a U.S. presidential campaign, but using a gentle register of his voice that somehow makes him sound like he means it more than he ever has, is remarkable".