Music / verdensmusik - world music

The Turbans

Reviews (3)

Louder than war

d. 6. Apr. 2018



Nathan Whittle

d. 6. Apr. 2018

"There's a lot of interest in The Turbans at the moment and it's easy to see why. With a seemingly massive band combined from across Europe and the Levant they have drawn influences from their roots in Turkey, Bulgaria, Ian, Greece, Spain, Tunisia, Morocco and London making a very unique blend which has been termed as from 'manywhere' ... A confident debut and more importantly incredibly enjoyable - one suspects The Turbans will be coming to a festival near you very soon".

Folk radio UK

d. 12. Apr. 2018



Phil Vanderyken

d. 12. Apr. 2018

"Comprised of musicians from Turkey, Bulgaria, Israel, Iran, Greece, Spain, and England, The Turbans make a joyful noise that draws from all the different cultures represented by the band members ... The Turbans story begins in Kathmandu, where guitarist Oshan Mahony met violinist Darius Luke Thompson. The two half-Iranian, half-British musicians hit it off and began busking in India, picking up musicians along the way ... The Turbans create a highly danceable stew of different musical styles from all over the world - "manywhere" as the band call it - played with fire and conviction, and first-rate musicianship. Bass oud, flute, flamenco guitar, cajon, lyrics in Greek, Spanish, Bulgarian and English: a smorgasbord of flavours and sounds, sharing a common passion and the belief that on the dance floor, as in life, we are all one".


Autumn 2018



Jamie Renton

Autumn 2018

"Excellent musicianship throughout, some strong songcraft and guest appearances from UK gnawa master Simo Lagnawi and The London Bulgarian Choir. What more could you ask for from a debut album".