Music / rock

The underside of power

Reviews (3)

The observer

d. 25. June 2017



Phil Mongredian

d. 25. June 2017

"Righteous, intelligent rock - The second album from London/Atlanta four-piece Algiers gleefully fuses classic 60s soul with post-punk experimentation to frequently astonishing effect. Against a constantly shifting musical backdrop, Franklin James Fisher's rich voice (think Levi Stubbs) is the one constant, whether undercut by discordant guitar noise and rapid-fire beats (Animals) or caressed by piano (Mme Rieux). The politically charged lyrics are no less incendiary, particularly on the gospel-influenced Cleveland, a furious complement to the Black Lives Matter movement that pledges justice for the victims of racist killings. Best of all is the strident title track, which makes radical politics sound gloriously danceable. Intelligent, powerful, righteous - it's not an easy listen, but it is a rewarding one".

The line of best fit

d. 4. July 2017



Erik Thompson

d. 4. July 2017

"The Atlanta quartet (now featuring Bloc Party's Matt Tong) have composed a new album that stands as a brash statement of defiance against a turbulent world, one that is only growing more hostile and divided with each passing day. The agitated, blustery songs fluidly blends elements of Motown soul and Southern gospel with the dissatisfied angst of indie rock, fusing Stax Records' enlightened funk with the unhinged fury of punk. The songs speak of a restless quest for justice in a society that has been fractured by inequality, racism, and discrimination, while also offering incisive critiques of the corrupt miscreants who routinely profit from enforcing social divisions and thrive within a severe economic disparity they helped create".


d. 25. July 2017



Emil Eggert Scherrebeck

d. 25. July 2017

""The Underside of Power" fra Atlanta-kvartetten Algiers (...) er et eksempel på, hvordan radikal politik bliver til radikal æstetik, for Algiers er nødt til at nedbryde genrerne med en sjælden voldsomhed for at de kan få deres musikalske udsagn om antikolonialisme og antikapitalisme frem. Men Algiers holder tråd i voldsomheden - i den punkede smadrethed, som gennemstrømmer pladen - ved hjælp af en række stærke gospelmelodier. Og med den spænding - imellem de melodier, der er skabt til spirituel ekstase og de elementer i musikken, der er skabt til at rive samfundsmaskineriet fra hinanden - trækker de lytteren ind og tvinger lytteren til engagement".

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