Music / rock

Thick as a brick

Reviews (4)

Gaffa [online]

d. 6. Nov. 2012



Espen Strunk

d. 6. Nov. 2012

"Meget er sagt og skrevet om Jethro Tulls Thick as a Brick, som i år fejrer 40 års jubilæum ... Nu føjes endnu flere ord til, i den knap 100 sider lange booklet i nærværende fine boks, som indeholder en nymikset version af det originale album, samt en audio-dvd ... Indpakningen er unægteligt flot, og tilbage er der da også næsten kun at konstatere, at Thick as a Brick stadig er et fremragende album".


d. 7. Nov. 2012



Greg Barbrick

d. 7. Nov. 2012

"The 40th anniversary Thick as a Brick package is marvelous, and credit goes to everyone involved. They even had the presence of mind to reproduce the original green Chrysalis label on the CD and DVD. It's a great reissue, all the way around".


d. 12. Mar. 2013



Jordan Blum

d. 12. Mar. 2013

"It's easy to see just how important Jethro Tull's original 1972 masterwork is. By pushing just about every musical boundary, the group firmly crossed over into the realm of progressive rock ... In the end, Thick As a Brick broke the mold and established what the genre could truly be; without it, progressive rock wouldn't be the same".

Record collector

2012 Dec



Oregano Rathbone

2012 Dec

"Today, free from the irrelevant context of misdiagnosis and derision that dogged it on its original release, the album sounds like nothing less than an Olympian feat of composition and musicianship. Note the stern acuity of Anderson's lyrics, the lockstep precision of the ensemble interplay and the way the main acoustic guitar motif is subtly threaded through the piece like a silver seam. The second part's haywire four-minute intro - with drummer Barriemore Barlow flaying his kit into neutrinos - still represents a thrilling throwdown".