Music / pop

This is what the truth feels like

Reviews (2)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"It's hard to view the title of This Is What the Truth Feels Like, Gwen Stefani's first solo album in ten years, as anything other than confession: she's put away childish things so she can focus on what's real. Given that her past decade consisted of raising kids, divorcing a husband, stumbling through a No Doubt reunion, and finding redemption as a television star, there's a lot of ground for her to cover, which may be why This Is What the Truth Feels Like feels like a bit of mess".

Berlingske tidende

d. 19. Mar. 2016



Pernille Smith Larsen

d. 19. Mar. 2016

"Fra outreret til intetsigende: Gwen Stefanis tredje album er næsten blottet for de skøre, innovative indfald, der gjorde hende interessant til at begynde med".