Music / jazz

To those of earth - and other worlds

Reviews (2)

The line of best fit

d. 30. Oct. 2015



Janne Oinonen

d. 30. Oct. 2015

"The scale and scope of the music on offer on these two crammed discs is truly staggering, and Gilles Peterson's skilled editing means we hop pretty much seamlessly from, say, the ethereal skronk of "Twilight" to the skewered big band crooning of "Sleeping Beauty".





Paul Simpson


"As with In the Orbit of Ra, this isn't meant as a definitive survey or a greatest-hits anthology (there's no way to boil down the essence of any artist with over a hundred albums to a single release, let alone an artist whose discography is as vast and mythical as Sun Ra's). Instead, it's another dense, thrilling journey into the daunting catalog of the most intergalactic musician of all time".