Music / americana

Treasure of love

Reviews (4)

American songwriter




Lee Zimmerman


"Fans of outlaw types in general - Waylon, Willie and Johnny in particular - will find there's common cause with the Flatlanders' focus - that is, a rugged, enduring appreciation for essential Americana without the need to tag it as anything new, trendy or even timely. With Treasure of Love, The Flatlanders' reverence for their roots stays true to its title".

Americana UK

d. 5. July 2021



Rick Bayles

d. 5. July 2021

"This is a terrific record and a testament to why so many look forward to new recordings by these musicians. Individually, they're all outstanding performers but, put them together, and real magic happens. Let's hope it's not another twelve years before we hear from The Flatlanders again".


2021 August



Rob Hughes

2021 August

"Fabled Texan trio make edifying comeback with a mostly-covers set: Joe Ely, Jimmie Dale Gilmore and Butch Hancock first got together in 1972, but their proto-Americana - a porous blend of country, folk, rock'n'roll and western swing - fell largely on deaf ears outside their home state of Texas. They were done in a little over a year, the band taking on semi-mythic status (their aborted debut eventually landed in 1990) as each member advanced into a successful solo career ... Treasure Of Love, their first studio effort in 12 years, might not have happened at all if it hadn't been for the pandemic. The trio began recording these tracks some time ago, only finding time to revisit them when the touring circuit shut ... It's a wondrous celebration of the music that's sustained them over the decades, much of it part of their stage repertoire. The Flatlanders exude joy here".

Glide magazine

d. 8. July 2021



Jim Hynes

d. 8. July 2021

"Diehard fans of roots music Joe Ely, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, and Butch Hancock are an iconic trio. As they've done so many times before, they called on longtime friend and collaborator, a legendary producer by any measure, Lloyd Maines, to help them dust off a bunch of tunes, many that had laid dormant for years, a mix of originals and covers for Treasure of Love. The presence of Maines means plenty of pedal steel and dobro as he is a master of adorning songs with just the right touches".