Music / rock

Trinity lane

Reviews (2)





Mark Deming


"There are plenty of working songwriters who would be lost if they couldn't pen lyrics about alcohol or broken hearts. Lilly Hiatt isn't one of them, but both of those subjects pop up a lot on her third album, 2017's Trinity Lane. Hiatt had gone through a serious breakup and gave up drinking before she started writing the songs for this album, and these two struggles inform many of the songs on Trinity Lane ... Trinity Lane is honest, well-crafted, and hits an emotional bulls-eye: it's Lilly Hiatt's strongest and most moving work to date".


d. 6. Sep. 2017



Steve Horowitz

d. 6. Sep. 2017

"Hiatt offers a dozen such visceral tracks on her third album. Trinity Lane. The gut-wrenching lyrics offer autobiographical nuggets about past sorrows and unflattering behaviors. She writes and sings in the first person about addictions, bad love and such in a voice scarred and innocent like a sinner reborn ... You'd have to be out of your skull not to appreciate her talents".