Music / pop


Reviews (2)

Drowned in sound

d. 20. Jan. 2018



Nick Roseblade

d. 20. Jan. 2018

"La Féline have released a brave album that oozes with delicious pop sensibilities ... The songs that 'Triomphe' contains jump from pop gems, to jazz freak-outs and back again in the same phrase that at first you don't have time to realise what has happened, but it is only after repeated listens that you recognise that there is some serious composition, and production, shenanigans going on. Triomphe is an apt title, as everything about this album works, from the luscious opening to the elegant outro, and demands to be played again and again".


d. 23. Jan. 2018



Philip Wilding

d. 23. Jan. 2018

"Haunting prog pop with a Gallic twist ... It's magical and multi-faceted: the lilting pop (with its haunting, almost world-weary vocal line) of Séparés (Si Nous Étions Jamais) sparkles dully, bereft and beautiful. Then there's the wonderfully discordant rise and fall that threatens to upend the gently tumbling La Royamue: both speak volumes for an artist without borders making music without walls".