Music / folkemusik

Two score

Reviews (2)

Folk radio UK

d. 26. Mar. 2018



David Kidman

d. 26. Mar. 2018

"The magnificent Blowzabella has just celebrated its 40th (two-score, of course!) birthday in style with a big bash at Cecil Sharp House. The performing unit that bears the name (that of a late-17th-century English jig, you'll recall) has always been something of a unique force, a veritable one-off (though a mightily influential one) among dance-based ensembles, from its early days as a doyen of the alternative festival scene, later surviving a disbandment hiatus to re-form ... The tunes, although observing due form and structure, don't feel in the slightest bit strict-tempo or strait-jacketed; this is undoubtedly due to the strong sense of creative rhythmic energy that both informs and arises from the actual playing and from the relationship between the parts. As well as the characteristic Blowzabella fire and spice, there's a perennial abundance of contrast between the tempos and settings, and never a dull moment for the listener".


2018 Summer



Colin Irwin

2018 Summer

"Brass presents a hefty rhythm stomp, while hurdy gurdy, fiddle and accordeon weave patterns that whip you into some far distant parallel universe where you dance, you sing, you do somersaults among bluebells, you quaff magic ale and you smile until your ears fall off. It sounds like it is music of some ancient tradition, yet it is fresh and alert also. There is virtuosity a-plenty in their instrumental interplay, musical banter and complex arrangements ... which at times wander into the realm of modern jazz ... The music is played with a broad smile and an uplifting spirit that will warm the cockles of your heart... and the heart of your cockles".

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