Music / electronica

Ultra truth

Reviews (3)

The guardian

d. 3. Nov. 2022



Alexis Petridis

d. 3. Nov. 2022

"Introspective and propulsive, intense and opaque: these instrumentals tie the disparate strands of the producer's oeuvre into a coherent, compelling whole: The sonic cocktail of euphoria and disquiet is perfectly balanced: the album flows, despite the fact that you're never entirely sure where it's going to take you next ... It's an intense listen, demanding in the sense that you struggle to imagine putting it on in the background. Better to stick your headphones on and give Ultra Truth your undivided attention, something it amply rewards".





Paul Simpson (musikanmelder)


"Clearly not created with clubs in mind, this is a rough, turbulent record flooded with distortion and intense memories. "Lone Swordsman," Avery's previously issued tribute to his friend and mentor, the late Andrew Weatherall, is included with an extended intro, and it's a truly gorgeous electro track with an unforgettable melody. The rest of the album is similarly emotive, covering a wide range of styles and featuring an impressive cast of guest vocalists and producers ... Ultra Truth is easily one of Avery's most powerful releases".


d. 1. Nov. 2022



Jay Honeycomb

d. 1. Nov. 2022

"Electronic producer Daniel Avery's Ultra Truth is both a danceable and listenable collection that packs a corporeal punch and a spiritual cleanse ... Avery seemingly treats electronic music as a springboard for transcendental experiences, as evidenced on his new album, a densely layered and singular listening experience that, on first impression, feels impenetrable though never unenjoyable. It has big danceable beats ("Higher"), heartwarming melodies ("Lone Swordsman"), and vocally led trance ("Wall of Sleep")".