Music / kor

Vespro della beata vergine


Maria-vesper 1610.

Reviews (35)

Kulturradio RBB

d. 28. May 2018



Bernhard Schrammek

d. 28. May 2018

"Zu keinem Zeitpunkt betreibt er [Herreweghe] irgendwelche Effekthascherei und erhebt wohl auch nicht den Anspruch, eine neue 'Lesart" der Vesper präsentieren zu wollen. Stattdessen macht er das Naheliegendste: Er bleibt mit seiner Aufführung unmittelbar am Notentext und sorgt für eine makellose, brillante Interpretation, wie sie in den letzten Jahren sehr selten war. Die Tempi und Proportionen stimmen, der Gesamtklang ist farbig und abwechlungsreich ... Eine neue Referenzaufnahme der Marienvesper".

The observer

d. 24. Sep. 2017



Nicholas Kenyon

d. 24. Sep. 2017

"Gone are all plainsong antiphons and other contextual additions; what is presented instead is a varied collection of individual pieces of sacred music. This is a shock, though the recording sounds fresh and clear, emphasising transparency without a big reverberant acoustic".

Gapplegate Classical-Modern music review

d. 16. Jan. 2019



Grego Applegate Edwards

d. 16. Jan. 2019

"A brand new version of the complete opera as performed by distinguished soloists, the Monteverdi Choir, and English Baroque Soloists (instrumental), all under John Eliot Gardiner ... The performances in the Gardiner version are excellent. This may be the finest singing of any version I have yet to hear. The soloists have a wonderful grasp of the embellishments available and sometimes delve into the music with an emotive gusto ... And it works nicely. The instrumental parts are played with great vivacity, care and attention to period detail ... This recording seems to be the new benchmark ... Highly recommended".

DR musik

2011 uge 19


2011 uge 19

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Monteverdis Mariavesper opført så levende og virtuost ... Det er et multinationalt ensemble af virtuoser, der spiller og synger: L'Arpeggiata hedder det ... I spidsen ... finder man lederen af det hele, den østrigske lutspiller Christina Pluhar ... På Ugens Cd har hun forvandlet noderne til en virtuos festkoncert. Hurtigere, flottere og sprødere end nogensinde før".

Presto classical




"Philippe Herreweghe and Collegium Vocale Gent present a highly accomplished version of one of the masterpieces of seventeenth-century sacred music ... Monteverdi's Vespers constantly surprise us with their audacity and their great emotional power. Stile antico and stile moderno combine here to wonderful effect, with Renaissance-style polyphony, accompanied monody and concertato style coexisting harmoniously ... Philippe Herreweghe and Collegium Vocale Gent prove themselves to be Monteverdi interpreters of the first rank [with] their lively, refreshing reading".

MusicWeb international

2017 June



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2017 June

"Recording of the month: The finest, most joy-inducing recording of the Vespers to have come my way in many years. No doubt there will be others in this Monteverdi year, but if they come close to this one in quality then we can count ourselves very lucky indeed".

Presto classical

d. 1. Sep. 2023



David Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 1. Sep. 2023

"Recording of the week: Their new Vespers is impeccably authentic from top to bottom, and yet at the same time it's big, operatic and vigorous. Don't let the blockbuster opening alarm you; this is not a uniformly crash-bang-wallop account. Far from it. The contrast between the first movement and the first of the psalm-settings, Dixit Dominus, is enormous ... This could very well be the performance of the Vespers to have".

DR musik




Valdemar Lønsted


"Vurdering: DR anbefaler" - "I Vesperens koncerter triumferer Kings solister med teknisk overskud og veloplagt fortællekunst ... Men når det kommer til stykket, er Robert Kings version ikke den bedste af alle verdener; John Eliot Gardiner kom nærmere for 17 år siden med sine egne tropper i Markus-kirken i Venedig, på cd og dvd udgivet af Archiv".


d. 15. Sep. 2011



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 15. Sep. 2011

"Den franske barokspecialist Christina Pluhar har indspillet de 24 satser som koncertmusik uden kirkelige indkilede led ... Orkestret er trimmet til benet ... spiller sprødt og finurligt som et dansevenligt lille folkband, og der er kun en sanger på hver enkelt stemme. Det vil sige: intet stort kirkevolumen eller sitrende patos - kun tindrende klare melodiske linjer sat op i konstant skiftende rytmer ... Salmerne swinger, og de små duetter bliver til rene kærlighedssange af ganske nutidig karakter".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. May 2011



Jakob Holm

d. 4. May 2011

"Monteverdis Vespro della Beate Vergine hører til perlerne i europæisk musik ... Her går Pluhar temmelig radikalt til værks - i hvert fald, når det gælder tempi, for jeg tror ikke, at man kan opdrive én udgave på markedet, der er hurtigere end denne ... Men det virker nu langtfra forhastet af den grund ... Værkets kompleksitet formidles med en legende lethed og ubesværet naturlighed af både sangere og musikere".


d. 30. Mar. 2011



John Christiansen

d. 30. Mar. 2011

"En ægte vare får man med gruppen L'Arpeggiata på historiske instrumenter. Under Christina Pluhar spilles og synges Monteverdis sakrale mesterværk ... Den slutter med et storslået Magnificat".


d. 8. Jan. 2024



Valdemar Lønsted

d. 8. Jan. 2024

"Klangpragt og virtuos sangkunst stråler i Claudio Monteverdis vespermusik helliget Jomfru Maria. Blandt dirigenterne i de mange gode indspilninger har Raphaël Pichon sat sig på toppen ... Raphaël Pichons ensemble er generøst distribueret. En særskilt solistgruppe, et halvt hundrede korsangere og godt tredive musikere, og disse ressourcer udnytter han klogt i vid skala".


d. 17. Jan. 2024



Valdemar Lønsted

d. 17. Jan. 2024


2018 décembre



Denis Morrier

2018 décembre

BBC music magazine

2019 January



Berta Joncus

2019 January

"Recording of the month: Boterf brings us a Vespers of unique beauty, in a version Claudio Monteverdi had printed by which until now has never been recorded ... Boterf's stripped-back Vespers offers a more sumptuous array of colours and vocal artistry than many standard recordings ... Boterf gilds Monteverdi's polyphony by using two trebles in an otherwise one-to-apart ensemble. This delicate imbalance yields an astonishing range of affect ... Two movements from Frescobaldi's Fiori Musicali (1735), brilliantly executed by Anne Marie Blondel ... is the icing on a gorgeous sonic cake".

BBC music magazine

2017 November



Anthony Pryer

2017 November

"In the large choral items such as Nisi Dominus we are met with a magisterial and uplifting wall of sound, amply supported by a jamboree of instruments from the group La Pifarescha. The solo voiced items are very accomplished, though sometimes (Magnificat II, Deposuit) the middle or lower voices are overwhelmed by the fulsome accompaniments and the warm but echoey acoustic".


2017 juillet-août



Denis Morrier

2017 juillet-août

Fono Forum

2017 Juli



Matthias Hengelbrock

2017 Juli

"Der erste Eindruck könnte irritieren: Giuseppe Maletto wählt für Monteverdis Marienvesper durchweg langsame Tempi ... Aber man merkt sehr schnell, dass es den Interpreten nicht darum geht, irgendwie aufzufallen, sondern dass sie die Traditionen und Standards, die sich im Laufe der Zeit in der Alten Musik etabliert haben ... Und weil ihr Diskussionsbeitrag auf einem technisch exzellenten Niveau und Klanglisch sehr ansprechend präsentiert wird, ist man gern bereit, sich darauf einzulassen".

BBC music magazine

2009 January



Anthony Pryer

2009 January

"This produces some wooden note counting ... and rather featureless passages of music ... A pity, since there is much musicianship in these performers as evidenced in the agile voices of Laudate pueri, and the terrific instrumental jamboree of the Sonata sopra Santa Maria".

BBC music magazine

2023 November



Anthony Pryer

2023 November

"This is an attractive addition to the vast array of recordings of Monteverdi's 1610 Vespers collection ... Pichon does echew the accepted convention of transposing down ... the Lauda Jerusalem and the Magnificat, on the grounds that he wants for aesthetic reasons a brighter, more lyrical sound. That seems fine".

Fono Forum

2023 November



Susanne Benda

2023 November

"Monteverdis Marienvesper ist die erste Filmmusik der Musikgeschichte - behauptet Raphël Pichon und dirigiert das Stück auch so: effektbewusst und mit kleinteiligen Beleuchtungswechseln bei Tempi, Lautstärkegraden, Klangfarben".

BBC music magazine

2017 October



Anthony Pryer

2017 October

"This compelling and insightful album is an outstanding contribution to Monteverdi's 450th anniversary ... [Butt's] flexible approach to the vexed question of the proportional speeds between duple and triple sections produces some surprisingly languid effects ... but a dance-like vitality elsewhere ... Using just ten singers creates a great transparency of texture".

BBC music magazine

2006 June



Anthony Pryer

2006 June

"This valuable addition to the catalogue combines not only all of the items of Monterverdi's Vespers, but also the other great work originally printed in the same 1610 publicationm, the Missa In illo tempore, an astonishing and virtuosic display of traditional counterpoint ... Taken all together this double CD is an excellent issue but, for the Vespers and Mass seperately, there are probably prefable single recordings".

The gramophone classical music guide




"This large-scale live recording (Gardiner's second) was made in Venice's St Mark's Basilica. It captures the drama as well as the ceremonial aspect of the work".

The gramophone

2019 March



David Vickers

2019 March

"This thoughtful and enjoyable performance is essentially another modern day reinvention of Monteverdi's fascinating masterpiece ... Thirteen singers are accompanied by an unusually prevalent church organ ... A compelling variety of rich registrations are played fulsomely by Anne-Marie Blondel ... Even if their fresh approach risks feeling like playing tennis without a net, Ludus Modalis conjure a dazzling range of fascinating sonorities".

The gramophone

2018 October



David Vickers

2018 October

"Editor's choice: Over 30 years later [than Herreweghe's 1986 recording of Monteverdi's Vespers], Herreweghe's radical rethinking yields shaded flexibility and kaleidoscopic dynamism ... One never senses a dictating ego controlling proceedings; there is a spirit of collective chamber music-making from all participants that is classy, articulate and unerringly beguiling. Recordings of the 1610 Vespers are two-a-penny but very few have delighted and impressed me as much as this".

The gramophone

2017 July



Lindsay Kemp

2017 July

"This is a Vespers to catch attention, that's for sure ... A performance that reveals the immense beauty of the work, relishes the tensions of its interweaving lines and, within its chosen parameters, releases the madrigalian freedom of its ensemble declamation".

International record review

2009 January



Christopher Price

2009 January

"The result is a splendid if sometimes slightly severe account of this flamboyant, early seventeenth-century avant-garde masterpiece. The instruments are without exception outstanding ... Even on my conventional CD player this is an exceptionally finely engineered recording".

BBC music magazine

2024 June



Steve Wright (musikanmelder)

2024 June

"Awards 2024 winners: Choral award".


2023, nr. 70



Andrew Mellor

2023, nr. 70

"Monteverdis mangesidede mesterværk fra 1610, 'Vespers of the Blessed Virgin', er blevet en specialitet for Raphaël Pichons ensemble Pygmalion ... Karakterfuld solosang, et nærværende ensemble, og fuld udnyttelse af værkets rumlige, fysiske kvaliteter, når instrumenter og sangere går i dialog med hinanden fra forskellige steder i bygningen ... Dirigenten bevæger sig mellem en intim fortolkning og en fornemmelse for værkets bredere arkitektur ... Meget disciplineret og intenst kommunikerende".

The gramophone

2023 Awards



Edward Breen

2023 Awards

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: This has to be one of the most gripping and impactful recordings of Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610 available right now. It is bursting with energy and passion at every opportunity ... and will take a much-deserved place in my personal pantheon of greats".

The gramophone

2017 October



Lindsay Kemp

2017 October

"The sound is first-rate as ever from Linn ... With so many Vespers recordings out there, this one joins the ranks of those with both a character of its own and something to say".


d. 16. Apr. 1999


d. 16. Apr. 1999

The gramophone

2006 June



William Yeoman

2006 June

"I was still unprepared for the ecstatic consequences of taking seriously at least one aspect of Monteverdi's so-called seconda pratica - using much freer counterpoint, with an increasing hierachy of voices ... With its use of full choir, King's recording simply has more room to manouvre".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 28. May 2001


d. 28. May 2001