Music / electronica

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Reviews (4)

Roskilde Festival




"Hendes sange er rundet af vokaltraditioner fra det landlige Portugal, hvor man gennem mange generationer har fortalt historier om almuens erfaringer via viser og kanoner, hvis enkle og gribende melodier får nyt liv i Caianos frodige, elektroniske univers, som knopskyder i mange retninger ... En af det moderne Portugals mest interessante musikere".

KLOF magazine

d. 7. Mar. 2024



Thomas Blake

d. 7. Mar. 2024

"Caiano reaches back into Portuguese folk music and sideways into avant-garde composition but claws her influences back into a dense, bright centre: the star in her musical galaxy is her unerring sense of melody, which means that every track transcends the merely interesting and becomes genuinely invigorating and soulful ... The unbridled creativity on show throughout (...) looks set to be Ana Lua Caiano's calling card ... A remarkably assured and highly individual debut".


2024 June



Stephen Dalton (musikanmelder)

2024 June

"Kaleidoscopic debut from Portuguese electro-folk fusionist: Pandemic lockdown led [Caiano] to rediscover her nation's rustic folk traditions. Citing Björk as inspiration, [she] fuses vintage pastoral lyricism with electronic beats and textures, found sounds and sampled radio chatter. The results are mostly dynamic and thrilling, from the futuristic jitter-funk of "Ando Em Circulos" (I Walk In Circles) to the polychromatic pyrotechnics of "Os Meus Sapatos Não Tocam Nos Teus" (My Shoes Don't Touch Yours)".


2024 June



Huw Hennessy (musikanmelder)

2024 June

"An experimental fusion of Portuguese folk, introspective soul-searching and out-there electronica, this debut album by Ana Lua Caiano is an enthralling, unpredictable experience ... Caiano's mood and message span a wide spectrum across the album; from the dark "Deixem o Morto Morrer" (Let the Dead Die) to the whimsical title-track (translating as I Shall Stay in this Square) teasing stay-at-home locals who are content to remain in the town plaza. Caiano herself looks unlikely to stay still any time soon, and this challenging, fantastical album will find her new audiences far and wide".