Music / rock

Where the spirit rests

Reviews (2)

Americana UK

d. 7. July 2021



Paul Kerr

d. 7. July 2021

"A dark and deeply immersive dive into the human condition from one of America's finest songwriters".


2021 September



Andrew Fyfe

2021 September

"Where The Spirit Rests was recorded in the turret of a castle in Ljublana, Slovenia, where both Eckman and producer Alastair McNeill (Róisin Murphy) live, and it's a minds-eye image that sits well with the album's murky atmosphere. His voice, now a middle-aged croak where once it was, well, a younger man's rasp, recalls the swampy drawl of latter-day Tony Joe White, and so great is its gravitational pull that you barely notice the gentle arrangements as violin, pedal, bass and drums track the singer like benign stalkers. Very much an album for hiding in the shadows with".