Music / rock

Who Is the Sender?

Reviews (3)

The observer

d. 26. Apr. 2015



Kitty Empire

d. 26. Apr. 2015

"All slow builds and gradual dawnings, this rich follow-up ponders the artistic process with a gentleness that belies great depth. A specific focus rests on the artist's role as witness to wonderment - and its opposite. In Underneath the Sun, Fay casts an unblinking eye on how the stoic rhythm of the seasons is interrupted by the horror of "people... shooting at everyone/ Even little ones"".





Thom Jurek


"Christian spirituality has always been the thread in Fay's work, but he's no evangelical autodidact. The simple, profound songs on Who Is the Sender? ask numerous questions and express doubts -- genuine faith has to if it is to remain viable. But because these tunes embrace the totality of earthly experience in the presence of the Divine, they can willfully accept a painful, broken world with a gentle, wide-open heart".

Gaffa [online]

d. 21. May 2015



Espen Strunk

d. 21. May 2015

"En fin, afdæmpet samling, som gennemstrømmes af såvel sangskriverens religiøse ståsted som af en fundamental bekymring over verdens tilstand: "What on earth is happening / what have we done?," som der spørges i Underneath The Sun. Andre af albummets titler - The Healing Day eller Cosmic Concerto - giver måske en antydning af temakredsen; på den musikalske front et omdrejningspunktet Fays klaver og vokal, som pakkes ind i intrikate, strygerbesatte arrangementer".

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