Music / rock


Reviews (3)

Metal injection

d. 17. Apr. 2017



Aaron Lambert

d. 17. Apr. 2017

"So perhaps WICK will be the record that gives Royal Thunder their big break. Perhaps not. Either way, they deserve all the attention that comes their way. A stronger record overall than their previous two, WICK not only solidifies Royal Thunder's place as one of the most special bands of our time, it proves that rock n' roll isn't dead, and that as long bands like Royal Thunder are around, it's still got tons of soul".


d. 12. July 2017



Trine Sebæk Madsen

d. 12. July 2017

"Royal Thunder har begået et hæderligt album, men man kunne ønske sig, at de snart ville bestemme sig for om vejen skal være belagt med melodiske omkvæd, tunge riff eller psykedeliske omveje. Grøden er varm og har mange smagsnuancer, der godt kan forvirre, selvom den overvejende smager godt".

Rolling stone

d. 6. Apr. 2017



Kory Grow

d. 6. Apr. 2017

"After five tracks of soaring, gut-punching hard rock, Royal Thunder's third full-length collapses in the best way possible ... They have the sensibility and the songwriting, and, with more focus, Royal Thunder could be the much-needed antidote to the blustery machismo that dominates active-rock radio".