Music / solosang


Reviews (87)


d. 3. Dec. 2016



John Christiansen

d. 3. Dec. 2016

"Johan Reuter synger Schuberts sidste store sangcyklus "Die Winterreise" sammen med Copenhagen String Quartet. Det er både en fremragende og en usædvanlig udgivelse ... Der er en meget fin overensstemmelse mellem Johan Reuters smukke bas-baryton og strygekvartetten. Reuter får musikkens stille smerte og længsel og enkelthed meget klart frem. Jeg har lyttet med bevæget nysgerrighed til denne forunderlige rejse og kan kun anbefale den. Men Schuberts original er naturligvis klaveret, som i sin klarhed virker farligere".

The guardian

d. 18. Mar. 2010



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 18. Mar. 2010

"This very fine account of Die Winterreise completes what has become one of the most distinguished recent triptychs of Schubert song cycles on disc. Güra's approach, wonderfully lucid, and immaculately controlled and coloured, invites comparisons with the great German tenor Peter Schreier ... while the pianist Christoph Berner understands his part in the dramatic scheme exactly".

RBB Radiodrei

d. 22. May 2024



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 22. May 2024

"Zum Abschluss seiner drei Lieder-Zyklen von Franz Schubert veröffentlicht der aus Südtirol stammenden Bariton Andrè Schuen die "Winterreise", welche eigentlich am Anfang stand, da sie schon 2019 aufgenommen wurde. Der ernste Zyklus liegt dem in diesem Jahr 40-Jährigen deutlich besser als die unbedenklichere "Müllerin" oder der eher abgeklärte "Schwanengesang"".

Klassik heute

d. 18. Oct. 2019



Ekkehard Pluta

d. 18. Oct. 2019

"Der schwedische Bariton Peter Mattei hat sich die Winterreise lange aufgespart ... Die Stimme ist nun völlig ausgereift und sie hat sich nach 28 Karrierejahren ihren jugendlichen Glanz bewahrt. Sie überwältigt den Hörer erst einmal durch die schiere Klangfülle und die Schönheit des Timbres. Mattei verfügt über eine satte Tiefe und tenorale Strahlkraft, der Wechsel der Register ist bruchlos, er singt mit weitem, ruhigem Atem und erlaubt es dem Hörer, sich bei seinem Vortrag entspannt zurück zu lehnen. In der Durchdringung von Text und Musik erweist der Sänger ein tiefer gehendes Verständnis ... Eine sängerische Meisterleistung in jeder Hinsicht, die allerdings mehr begeistert als tatsächlich berührt".

MusicWeb international

2020 February



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2020 February

"The lyric tenor Mathias Hedegaard is one of the foremost Danish singers, both as opera artist and recitalist ... Hedegaard's reading of the cycle has many good features: his enunciation is good, he is deeply involved, he is very careful over nuances, he can colour his tone to underline moods ... As in every good reading of this cycle the intensity increases in the second half ... Das Wirtshaus and Die Nebensonnen are particularly touching. The total timing is almost 76 minutes which places this reading among the slowest, but while listening one never has a feeling that it drags ... An honest and deeply felt reading that should satisfy many listeners. Mathias Hedegaard is well supported by Tove Lønskov".

MusicWeb international

2020 January



John France

2020 January

"With wisdom (or naivety), I openly declare that my benchmark for any new performance of Franz Schubert's Winterreise is the incomparable German lyric baritone Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau's Deutsche Grammophon edition released in 1972; he was accompanied by Gerald Moore. Fischer-Dieskau made several recordings of this masterpiece, the first in 1955 and the last in 1990, but this one seems to me unbeatable ... This recording impressed me. The tenor has a wide-ranging voice which is sometimes more like a high baritone. He is brilliant at capturing the massive mood swings inherent in this song cycle. Despair is contrasted with hope, intimacy with mordant humour. It is a splendid song recital".


d. 29. Jan. 2020



John Christiansen

d. 29. Jan. 2020

"Mathias Hedegård har en smuk og følsom lyrisk tenor, og han formår at trænge indadvendt dybt og dramatisk ind i ungersvendens fortælling om sin sprøde kærlighedstragedie. Den er fortalt så ægte og stille uden banal selvoptagelse, at denne tolkning er til mange gentagelser at lytte til og stadig at finde flere fine nuancer i ... Et andet plus er Tove Lønskovs både meget klare og meget følsomme klaverakkompagnement. Det lytter man betaget til, som det smyger sig om sangstemmen og bærer den ind i ensomheden".

MusicWeb international

2006 July



Patrick C. Waller

2006 July

"Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "Here Eric Schneiders contribution to the interpretation seems to be considerable. In matters of tempi, he takes some freedoms and these artists are generally not inclined to linger ... This is a wonderfully sung, passionate reading of Winterreise that will bear comparison with those of any of the illustrious names mentioned above"rovided you have at least the remnants of a sweet tooth and dont mind un.

MusicWeb international

2013 July



Göran Forstling

2013 July

""[Drake] follows Alice Coote like a shadow, finding appropriate colours to underline her interpretation ... I don't believe I have ever heard [Der Lindenbaum] more beautifully sung ... The chill, the unease is there in her reading, but the biggest emotions are calmed down, or masked, but behind the small gestures one imagines a big black hole in the traveller's soul ... Together Alice Coote and Julius Drake have guided us with deep empathy and musical good taste along this emotional wandering and left longstanding imprint in at least one listener".

MusicWeb international

2018 January



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2018 January

"Recording of the month: Skovhus and Vladar's Die schöne Müllerin and Schwanengesang were really great achievements. Their Winterreise is tremendously good. Their collective involvement is so strong that it carries over to the listener through so neutral a medium as a CD and a couple of speakers with almost visual effect".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 1. Feb. 2017



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 1. Feb. 2017

"Danmarks førende baryton Johan Reuter ... er en fremragende liedsanger, [hvilket] man kan forvisse sig om på en ny cd fra Danacord ... Der er det særlige ved denne indspilning, at sangeren ikke bliver akkompagneret af et klaver, men af en strygekvartet ... og selvom man enkelte steder (musikelskere er jo også vanedyr) kan savne klaverakkompagnementet, har Krug klogt udnyttet strygernes muligheder".


d. 2. Feb. 2017



Thomas Michelsen

d. 2. Feb. 2017

"Verdensbarytonen fra Det Kongelige Teater, Johan Reuter, synger Schuberts sangcyklus Winterreise sammen med en strygekvartet ... og hvad de her laver, er virkelig fremragende ... Hans fortolkninger har maskulin styrke. Men smerten og bitterheden i sangene om den romantiske outsider og hans dødsdrift forløses med en grundtone af nobel alvor, og magisk nok forplanter den sig til de fire musikere med strygeinstrumenter og buer".


d. 21. Jan. 2020



Thomas Michelsen

d. 21. Jan. 2020

"Mathias Hedegaards stemme har nærvær og intensitet i hver stavelse gennem samtlige 24 sange, og stemmens timbre - altså dens særlige sammensætning af klangfarver - med dens fascinerende forening af saftighed, spændstighed og kant når man ikke at blive træt af. Den intimitet og det drama, Hedegaard skaber, da han i sangen om sine frosne tårer kommer helt tæt på lytterens trommehinder, er i topklasse ... Han synger Schubert på internationalt niveau, og pianisten Tove Lønskov ved klaveret viser, hvorfor hun i et helt liv har været foretrukket som akkompagnatør af et utal af danske sangere".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 24. Feb. 2020



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 24. Feb. 2020

"Tenoren Mathias Hedegaard, der har markeret sig som en af sin generations førende fortolkere af danske sange og romancer og desuden er en efterspurgt koncertsolist, får et nyt gennembrud med denne cd. Hans stemme passer fint til denne cyklus, og han forstår at give samtlige 24 sange en både dramatisk og lyrisk farvning - vel at mærke uden at blive for patetisk i sit tonefald ... Med Tove Lønskovs kongeniale klaverspil, må man konstatere, at Hedegaard og Lønskov er et ideelt match til Winterreise".


d. 17. Mar. 2014



Jens Povlsen

d. 17. Mar. 2014

"Den tyske tenorstjerne sætter denne gang en følsom tackling ind på Schuberts Winterreise, og selv om hans kraftfulde stemme egentlig fylder for meget i Schuberts svævende tonepoesi, er resultatet værd at lytte til. For Kaufmann viser igen sin uovertrufne evne til at vække følelser".


d. 19. Feb. 2014



Thomas Michelsen

d. 19. Feb. 2014

"Der er tale om en nuanceret, kontrolleret og, ikke mindst, dynamisk bredspektret fortolkning ... til Deutschs forbilledligt enkle og følsomt registrerende akkompagnement ... Stemmen er med andre ord ingen lille eller lyrisk tenor ... Kaufmann lader den dundre flere gange undervejs på et Schubertalbum, der dermed får usædvanlig slagstyrke. Men han balancerer de omhyggeligt udvalgte kanonsalutter med sin særegne og sarte, næsten åndelette blandingsklang ... Det er dygtigt gjort. Helt enormt dygtigt, endda".


d. 13. Oct. 2009



Thomas Michelsen

d. 13. Oct. 2009

"Det er en helt anden klang, man oplever hos den engelske tenor Mark Padmore. Samlet i et poleret fokuspunkt og med et sødligt svæv ... Padmores kultiverede og lakblanke stemme har en tendens til at skærme af. Det er lige før, den lægger en membran mellem øret og følelserne. Kompetent akkompagneret af Brendeleleven Paul Lewis".


d. 19. Dec. 2014



Jens Povlsen

d. 19. Dec. 2014

"Matthias Goerne har kulde i sin velvoksne mandestemme, så man gyser ... En lidt for voldsom ihærdighed efter at tage Schuberts vinterverden med storm viser sig nu og da. Mens sangene lader pendulet svinge frem og tilbage mellem bundfrossen ensomhed og kåd forårslængsel, mellem gravkammerstemning og farve i kinderne, får Goerne også etableret en personlighed, som man ikke kan lade være med at følge".


d. 21. Nov. 2001


d. 21. Nov. 2001


d. 12. June 2010



Valdemar Lønsted

d. 12. June 2010

"Han [Güra] graver dybt i hovedpersonens mentale deroute, varierer mageløst udtryk og klangfarver, går fra hvisken til råb, fra ren og skær skønsang til tonløs sorgfuldhed ... Berner er overalt en vidunderlig billedmager, han rammer præcist den tilsyneladende optimisme i Die Post ... Sådan kan man blive ved med at trække illuminerende detaljer frem fra disse 24 sange, som nu har fået en ny referenceindspilning. Og hjerte, hvad vil du mere?".


d. 14. Sep. 2004


d. 14. Sep. 2004

Berlingske tidende

d. 28. Sep. 2004


d. 28. Sep. 2004


d. 21. Dec. 2001


d. 21. Dec. 2001

Berlingske tidende

d. 28. Sep. 2004


d. 28. Sep. 2004

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 13. Oct. 2004


d. 13. Oct. 2004

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. Nov. 2009



Jakob Holm

d. 4. Nov. 2009

"Nu er denne vintervandring kommet i en stærkt anbefalelsesværdig udgave ... Padmores naturligt sfæriskskønne stemme foredrager disse sange med en oprigtig og overbevisende dramatisk sensibilitet, ... adræthed, indlevelse og strubegribende nærvær. Den knugende atmosfære hjælpes godt på vej af Lewis' præcise og udtryksfulde spil, der emmer af nuancer og klangfarve".


d. 11. May 2004


d. 11. May 2004


2017, nr. 44



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

2017, nr. 44

"Johan Reuter ... har en utrolig nuanceret og bredspektret baryton at fortælle med. Og selvom hans grundleje som operasanger nok er kraftigere end mange liedsangeres, så lægger han sig behageligt og intenst i klangbilledet ... Copenhagen String Quartet ... spiller nænsomt og velklingende sammen. Der er ikke en finger at sætte på de smukke strygerklange ... Jeg savner noget fandenivoldsk styrke ind imellem ... men de holder sig inden for rammen".

Fono Forum

2017 Mai



Christoph Zimmermann

2017 Mai

"Der Bariton Johan Reuter hat die Winterreise schon einmal original eingesungen, allerdings in seiner dänischen Muttersprache. Nu folgt eine Version mit Streichquartett, arrangiert von Richard Krug, dem Cellisten des (note bene hervorragend) begleitenden Copenhagen String Quartet ... Die Winterreise gestaltet er von seinem vokalen Naturell her also mit nachdrücklicher Maskulinität, versteht es aber auch, Piano-Nuancen sinnfällig zu platzieren. Seine Interpretation wirkt in jedem Moment sinnfällig, die Diktion ist vorbildlich".

BBC music magazine

2022 April



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2022 April

"Insight for insight Appl is more than matched by his pianist James Baillieu, a storyteller to his staccato-cherishing fingertips ... In their mutually enriching symbiosis Schubert's journey emerges thoughtful and newly-minted".

Fono Forum

2022 Mai



Gerhard Persché

2022 Mai

"Er legt das Lied in wunderbarem, geheimnisvollem Pianissimo an, das vom Weg als Ziel kündet ... Appls Stärke ist die genaue Textbehandlung aufgrund eines enorm breiten, vielfarbigen, zugleich sorgsam nuancierten Ausdrucks- und Gefühlsrepertoires. Dabei ist ihm James Baillieu ein wahrer Partner am Klavier, ein tief empfindender Mitgestalter".

Fono Forum

2006 Oktober



Christoph Vratz

2006 Oktober

"Die sopranistin kompensiert scheinbare emotionale Gefrorenheit mit einer ausgepichten vokalen Pianissimo-Dramaturgie ... Ein absolut faszinierendes Erlebnis".


2013 juillet-août



Hélène Cao

2013 juillet-août

BBC music magazine

2013 June



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2013 June

"If there were such a thing as a standard reading of Winterreise, this would be it. In a time when too many singers sound as if they wish they were Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, that is welcome, but there is too little sense of a progression from the mere misery of rejection to the acceptance of utter solitude; it needs more edge, more explicit pain".

Fono Forum

2013 Juli



Christoph Zimmermann

2013 Juli

"Wolfgang Holzmair, dessen Stimme im 61. Lebensjahr noch erstaunlich jugendlich wirkt und selbst in extremen Lagen sicher und klangvoll anspricht ... Haefliger stützt den Sänger verlässlich und sensibel".

BBC music magazine

2010 May



Hilary Finch

2010 May

"Both Güra and Berner are acutely sensitive to the shifts of pace both within and between songs ... outstanding performance".


2014, nr. 33



Jens Cornelius

2014, nr. 33

"I Jonas Kaufmanns skikkelse møder man et levende menneske, der fortæller om sin skæbne ... 'Besværet' er måske ikke det rigtige ord, men Jonas Kaufmanns mørke og mandigt-hæse stemme fungerer bedst for fuld udblæsning. Når volumen og udtryk skal skrues ned i liedstørrelse, bliver klangen klemt ... På trods af indvendingerne ... en cd, man bør høre".


2014 mars



Hélène Cao

2014 mars

Fono Forum

2014 April



Christoph Zimmermann

2014 April

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Eine aufnahme, die auch emotional beklommen macht".

BBC music magazine

2014 April



Hilary Finch

2014 April

"If you expect something of a Winterreise drama from this dramatic tenor, you might be a little surprised ... This is one of the most deep-frozen, numb Winter Journeys on disc. It's also one of the most beautifully sculpted and articulated ... One which reveals its treasure only slowly; and on repeated listenings".

BBC music magazine

2008 August



Hilary Finch

2008 August

"Altogether, this is a pleasing, intelligent reading from a cultivated and well-integrated baritone. But if you want more than this (and you should) then try Christian Gerhaher ... or Matthias Goerne ... or best of all return to the benchmark best of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau's ten ever-exploratory and self-challenging recordings: the 1971 one rith Gerald Moore".

Fono Forum

2024 Juni



Johannes Schmitz

2024 Juni

"Empfehlungen des Monats: Diese "Winterreise" ist frei von jedem Manierismus, frei von Sentimentalität und falschem Pathos. Sie bleibt konsequent auf ihrer musikalischen Mission".

BBC music magazine

2011 December



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2011 December

"Graham Johnson sets the tone by producing an accompaniment unlike any I have heard before ... There are long unnotated silences, and odd passages of staccato playing ... Undoubtedly, brigitte Fassbaender and Aribert Reimann are even more extreme. et, to me, they carry absolute conviction, and this new account, so striking in many ways, does not".

Fono Forum

2020 Februar



Gerhard Persché

2020 Februar

"Mit kernig-edlem Stimmklang, technisch und auch idiomatisch souverän führt uns der schwedische Bariton auf des Wanderers versteckte Stege, entwickelt und formt dabei die Figur des Winterreisenden wie ein Bildhauer eine Skulptur. Wundersame Piani und Pianissimi erfreuen immer wieder ... Exquisit dazu Lars David Nilssons Kommentar aus der Sicht des Klaviers. Matteis Vortrag wirkt wie ein mit grossem Mitgefühl vorgetragenes Referat über Einsamkeit und Erstarrung".


2020 février



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2020 février

The Penguin guide to compact discs, cassettes and LPs




"Taken from the collected recording of Schubert songs that Fischer-Dieskau made with Gerald Moore in the early 1970s, this DG version ... is arguably the finest of his readings on record. At this period the voice was still at its freshest, yet the singer had deepened and intensified his understanding of this greatest of song-cycles to a degree where his finely detailed and thoughtful interpretation sounded totally spontaneous".

BBC music magazine

2012 January



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2012 January

"Perhaps the distinguishing feature of this version is the accompaniment of Malcolm Martineau, who contrives to bring some new insight to every single song without ever sounding mannered ... Florian Boesch, the possessor of a fine but not especially distinctive voice, takes his cue from him ... and the collaboration is complete".

BBC music magazine

2014 May



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2014 May

"This, to my mind the greatest of all bleak works of art, here receives its perfect rendering".

BBC music magazine

2015 June



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2015 June

"Behle's musically scrupulous interpretation is appealing, even if his tone coarses under pressure. Schnyder, meanwhile, provides controlled and sensitive accompaniments".

BBC music magazine

2014 Christmas



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2014 Christmas

"For the first 19 of the 24 songs they steer a moderate course ... But for the last four songs they take expression to extremes, with devastating effect ... There are so many ways of interpreting this, Schubert's greatest work, that it would be silly to say this was the most impressive ... But this one, wonderfully recorded and always beautiful despite its violence, is among the great accounts".


d. 20. June 2000


d. 20. June 2000

The gramophone

2022 March



Hugo Shirley

2022 March

"Throughout the cycle Appl offers engaging interiority and a powerful sense of concentration, often reacting to Müller's words with vivid imagination and quicksilver mood changes ... Baillieu's playing through the whole cycle is unfailingly imaginative, and he brings lovely colours out of his instrument. But there are problems with Appl's voice: its dynamic range is limited and it sounds squeezed at higher volumes ... The baritone builds a convincing - often compelling - performance within these limitations, and the cycle is suited to his approach".


d. 29. Feb. 2000


d. 29. Feb. 2000


d. 19. Oct. 2001


d. 19. Oct. 2001

The gramophone

2013 June



David Patrick Stearns

2013 June

"Few Winterreises enjoy Coote's colouristic range. She has a soprano's brightness in the upper reaches but welcome mezzo weight that she effectively uses to convey the abrupt arrival of a cold front ...Comparisons with Coote make Lehmann look bad. The ultimate compliment?".

International record review

2013 September



John T. Hughes

2013 September

"Coote has introduced into her description of the traveller's plight the vocal modulations and variations that are essential in this cycle. Drake has similarly brought colour and alertness to the piano part ... Any collector who cares to add a female voice to a hoard of Winterreise recordings will not, I am sure, be less than impressed by this disc".

International record review

2013 May



John T. Hughes

2013 May

"His expressing of the man's feelings are naturally done by the use of his vocal artistry and his seeming ability to find the right colouring ... Throughout the performance Holzmair illuminates with distinctive inflections ... So much is to be savoured; one could not help doing so even if one tried. Haefliger too, with his fulgent tone, is a convincing contributor ... Two praiseworthy and persuasive artists".

International record review

2014 April



John T. Hughes

2014 April

"This performance by Kaufmann and Deutsch held my attention throughout: so restrained, so despairing, so understated but well stated ... The recording is true to both performers, with no distorted acoustics".

The gramophone

2014 May



Richard Wigmore

2014 May

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "For sheer vocal splendour, Jonas Kaufmann is unrivalled in Winterreise since Jon Vickers ... [His] combination of vocal beauty and verbal sensitivity (his diction always a model), and the fastidiously textured and coloured playing of Helmut Deutsch, make this new recording an important addition to the vast Winterreise discography".

Berlingske tidende

d. 10. Dec. 2001


d. 10. Dec. 2001

Berlingske tidende

d. 13. Sep. 2000


d. 13. Sep. 2000


d. 11. Sep. 2000


d. 11. Sep. 2000


d. 16. Mar. 1999


d. 16. Mar. 1999

International record review

2008 July/August



Lucy Beckett

2008 July/August

"Roman Trekel is a fine operatic baritone, a regular performer at the Bayreuth Festival, with a big, resonant voice. He is in many respects an excellent singer, but Winterreise presents a range of challenges not all of which entirely suit his voice and his apporach ... This is a powerful, dramatic Winterreise, an interpretation some will like but which conveys little of the inward reflectiveness of, for example, Matthias Goerne's recent disc".


d. 1. Mar. 2004


d. 1. Mar. 2004

The gramophone

2018 January



David Patrick Stearns

2018 January

"Bo Shovhus has continued his traversal of Schubert Lieder with a Winterreise recording that's not for connoisseurs with a deep sense of the piece's recorded history but something that challenges what you thought was best of this oft-recorded (maybe over-recorded) song-cycle".

The gramophone

2024 July



David Patrick Stearns

2024 July

"Already well established in Schubertian circles, Schuen and pianist Daniel Heide take their place among the best, with special skills including an intimate understanding of the recording medium ... Singer and pianist intelligently trace the cycle's dramatic arc by becoming the character, and sustain that with smart underlying strategy ... Among modern baritones, my overall first choice remains Florian Boesch ... But in a masterwork as open-ended as Winterreise, one great recording never eclipses another".

The gramophone

2011 December



Richard Lawrence

2011 December

"This is a rather lightweight account of the protagonist's winter journey ... But these drawbacks are outweighed by the beauty of Maltman's voice and his keen attention to the words ... Admirable accompanist, excellent sound: well worth hearing".


d. 1. June 2004


d. 1. June 2004

The gramophone

2019 December



Hugo Shirley

2019 December

"An intelligent and vividly communicative artist whose rich, healthy singing is difficult to resist. With sturdy support from Lars David Nilsson, he performs the cycle with the sort of directness and vocal charisma one would expect ... Could there be more variety in the tone? Possibly; and there are a couple of arguable interpretative choices. But, vocally speaking, this is one of the handsomest versions of this work available".


2019, nr. 92



Carl-Henric Malmgren

2019, nr. 92

"Peter Mattei är en av världens främsta sångare av idag och hans sceniska utstråling kan få luften i operasalongen att dallra. Men den här inspelningen är gjord i studio och kanske hade den tjänat på att vara en liveupptagning".

The gramophone

2009 November



John Steane

2009 November

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Padmore and Lewis deliver a wondrous Winterreise".

The gramophone

2012 March



Ivan March

2012 March

"This new version by Florian Boesch and Malcolm Martineau is inspired and quite unforgettable. It has total spontaneity, a superbly balanced, totally natural recording, with the pianist making a perfect partnership with the singer ... I cannot recommend this CD too highly".

The gramophone

2014 April



Geoffrey Norris

2014 April

"With each song shrewdly characterised, this is also a Winterreise in which the long-terme narrative is eloquently, poignantly sustained".

International record review

2015 March



John T. Hughes

2015 March

"Behle is a master of subtly colouring, nuancing and varying his volume ... In addition, Behle's clear voice is a recommendation in itself, for not only does it contain so many shades but it is a euphonious instrument. Memory tells me that I have rarely heard 'Die Nebensonnen' sung so beautifully as in the version with the piano".

The gramophone

2014 November



Jeremy Dibble

2014 November

"Vurdering: Gramophone collector" - "Goerne has never been a natural bringer of jollity ... Jollity, though, is not what Winterreise is about, and the German baritone's temperament and timbre find a near-ideal match in the great cycle ... given the quiet intensity, the almost meditative sense of concentration Goerne achieves throughout the cycle ... And the series as a whole? ... Never less than artfully sung ... these dozen discs undoubtedly make the Schubertian world a richer place".

International record review

2014 December



Lucy Beckett

2014 December

"This Winterreise is the ninth and last of the series ... Christoph Eschenbach ... accompanies this Winterreise with marvellous flexibility, musicality and skill ... Goerne is such an intelligent singer that ... reach the listener to this disc as lived and suffered through both with pain and with the lively imagination of the poet ... Goerne has recorded Winterreise twice before ... This is also a very fine interpretation, but the warmth of Brendel's accompaniment [in 2003] gives the cycle a consoling quality that the new disc does not have".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 37, nr. 5 (2004)


Årg. 37, nr. 5 (2004)

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. Mar. 2004


d. 8. Mar. 2004


d. 21. Dec. 2004


d. 21. Dec. 2004


d. 7. Apr. 2004


d. 7. Apr. 2004

Berlingske tidende

d. 24. Feb. 2004


d. 24. Feb. 2004

Information and editions