Music / rock

Working Men's Club

Reviews (4)


d. 2. Oct. 2020



Ali Shutler

d. 2. Oct. 2020

"Cycling through the conflicting emotions that come from living in a society that's set itself on fire, `Working Men's Club' is an attention-demanding debut that couldn't have come at a better time. Hope, despair, destruction and the desire for new beginnings, their chaotic energy makes perfect sense in these strange times".

Gaffa [online]

d. 4. Nov. 2020



Kristian Bach Petersen

d. 4. Nov. 2020

"Engelske Working Men's Club [er] klar med deres debut. Et aparte mix af indierock og electronica, med 10 numre, der alle er bygget op over en enkel opskrift. Et synth-loop, et guitar-loop og en monoton, mekanisk levering af tekster med markante punchlines, hamret igennem af gentagelse efter gentagelse efter gentagelse ... Working Men's Club [kører] linjen mellem elektronisk og guitarrock, men det er bare hverken så skarpt spillet eller interessant bygget op ... Det bliver simpelt frem for enkelt og dermed også ret kedeligt hen over næsten 50 minutters album".

The guardian

d. 2. Oct. 2020



Dave Simpson

d. 2. Oct. 2020

"The West Yorkshire band take the stark electronics of the post-punk scene and warm them with Detroit techno and Italian house - while addressing Andrew Neil with mischievous one-liners".

Louder than war

d. 14. Oct. 2020



Callum Gray

d. 14. Oct. 2020

"Working Men's Club's debut album is as exhilarating as it is diverse. Following on from their most successful single, Teeth, they obviously haven't lost their character ... With this debut album, Working Men's Club have shown themselves to be a band that don't really want to stop the party, pandemic or not".