Music / rock

Worship the sun

Reviews (2)

The guardian

d. 11. Sep. 2014



Dave Simpson

d. 11. Sep. 2014

"It's hard to listen to the young quartet's second album without feeling that their British counterparts are doing a similar thing, but with more robust grooves and more populist songs ... Still, while there are enough Byrdsy jangling guitars to suggest the Allahs sleep in Paisley shirts, their time transporter hasn't run aground. Every Girl could be a lost mid-60s Stones song, while Felt's evergreen daze audibly inspires the hazily beautiful Yemeni Jade. There's a definite progression in the songwriting and the tunes are soaked in the kind of timeless California sunshine you just don't get from Brits".





Tim Sendra


"If you were to call them revivalists who found a tiny niche of the garage rock scene that nobody else was exploiting, and revived it with a charmingly relaxed and assured style, then you'd be dead right. On Worship the Sun, their subtle excavation is even more impressive, richly rendered, and worth checking out than before".