Music / rock


Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 18. Mar. 2015



Espen Strunk

d. 18. Mar. 2015

"Pompøse powerballader, virtuost guitarspil og et generelt højt, teknisk niveau er (...) stadig de centrale ingredienser her på XIV, hvor der faktisk ikke som sådan er musikalsk metaltræthed at spore i det gamle maskineri ... Holder man af Toto - og det er der faktisk mange der gør, endnu - vil man formentlig også forstå at værdsætte såvel på én gang polerede og potente rocksange som Holy War og Running Out of Time, som albummets centrale ballader Burn, All the Tears That Shine og Chinatown".

Something else!

d. 7. Mar. 2015




d. 7. Mar. 2015

"While I do prefer some songs over others, there is not a weak track on the album. Each member gets his chance to shine. Joseph Williams' voice has only improved with age. He has a level of control that surpasses that of his more youthful original 1986-88 stint in the band and gives his vocals more consistency as well. Perhaps Williams' strongest song on this particular outing is "Burn." There is a slow build to a Jim Steinman-esque over the top epic anthem, and Joseph Williams totally brings it. Even the weakest track on the album, 21st Century Blues is very strong and I'd argue it's not so much weak as it's out of place. It's a strong track, but it just sounds more suited to one of Steve Lukather's solo albums than it does to this Toto album".