Music / jazz

A suite of poems

Reviews (2)


d. 19. May 2018



Tor Martin Bøe

d. 19. May 2018

"«A Suite of Poems» er en stille og vennlig plate. Den gjør nesten ingenting ut av seg umiddelbart, men siger sakte men sikkert inn i en. Litt på samme måte som et hotellopphold over lengre tid setter sitt eget preg. Men også fordi det føles både som begynnelsen og slutten på en reise".


d. 8. June 2018



John Garratt

d. 8. June 2018

"The melodies Bjørnstad writes for Drecker are superb. Rather than working to cram the words into some pre-existing music, it sounds like Bjørnstad is writing in service to the poetry. Even when there is a slight shift in the music, as on the slow shuffle of "Astor Crowne, New Orleans", Drecker's singing runs the show: "It's brass band in the bathtub / It's the devil in the minibar / It's voodoo in the wall / I think I'll call it a day." The vocal passages are delicate, memorable, just about perfect in their range and fluidity. He gives himself solo piece at the end, "Schloss, Elmau". By this point, a shakeup in format does nothing to dampen the album's blooming beauty. A Suite of Poems may not be the kind of music that is taking over the world right now, but it's still a bright spot in a dismal world full of ugly, towering hotels".