Music / folk

Alasdair Roberts

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 24. Jan. 2015



Pelle Sonne Lohmann

d. 24. Jan. 2015

"Alasdair Roberts er en simpel sag, men der er noget ambient og meditativt over Roberts' tidløse udtryk, der dufter lifligt af folkemusik, gamle dage og livet på landet. Alasdair Roberts skal nydes for sit helstøbt summende format og ikke for sine umiddelbart iørefaldende kvaliteter eller alsidighed, for hér er der ikke meget at komme efter om end lidt primitiv percussion og vokal-kvartetten The Crying Lion er med til at farve albummet".


2015 Jan/Feb



Colin Irwin

2015 Jan/Feb

"It's wonderful. Of course it is. Don't ask me to give you a blow by blow account of the tracks or a detailed analysis of his songs and lyrics (unravelling these is the path to madness) ... Just know that his dexterous guitar accompaniments are a constant delight, his tunes seep into the brain like a warm sun on a winter's day, his mournful voice nags your attention, his songs intrigue, mystify and entrance and his arrangements constantly surprise ... A lot of what he does is unconventionally wayward - occasional nods to traditional songs, a smattering of clarinet here, a snatch of choir there, odd clicks emerging in the background, some unidentified flying instruments shimmering across the horizon - but at heart this is a very warm, approachable, melodic and essentially solo record".