Music / rock

All of this life

Reviews (3)

Blues rock review

d. 20. July 2018



Meghan Roos

d. 20. July 2018

"Across its 10 songs, All of This Life is immediate and reflective, a result of both the blues' historic past and visions for its future. The Record Company has cited influences like Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, John Lee Hooker and scores of others, and though hints of many can be heard by those who listen closely, The Record Company's music is entirely its own, an example in real time of how this genre that was so embraced in decades past can still be relevant today. Could All of This Life be one of the best blues rock albums of 2018? Time will tell-but with the year already half over, it's certainly coming through as a serious contender".





Mark Deming


"... All of This Life leaves no doubt that the Record Company know their stuff and work together well; Chris Vos' guitar work is both inspired and concise, bassist Alex Stiff and drummer Marc Cazorla give the music a strong and soulful foundation, and the vocals are full-bodied but generally stop a few notches short of histrionic. Give It Back to You suggested the Record Company had potential they hadn't tapped just yet, and All of This Life shows that they found at least some of it, and it's an honest step up for the band".

Living blues

2018 August



Rod Evans

2018 August

" ... singer/guitarist Chris Vos, bassist Alex Stiff and drummer Marc Cazorla have refined their take on blues, rock and roots music to produce a tight, swaggering collection of rollicking, yet introspective tunes that draw upon the band members' infinite well of eclectic influences".