Music / rock

Deportation blues

Reviews (3)





Mark Deming


"With Deportation Blues, Brian Christinzio has created his own Big Star 3rd, less druggy but just as much a musical voyage through one man's psyche that travels through darkness while searching for some gleam of healing light. Let's hope he finds it before he makes his next album".

The skinny

d. 20. Aug. 2018



Eugenie Johnson

d. 20. Aug. 2018

"Following the release of 2015's How to Die in the North, Brian Christinzio was told he was being deported from the UK. It was only through managing to obtain an Italian passport through his grandparents that he was able to return. The demons of that battle cast a definitive shadow over Deportation Blues ... Deportation Blues comes from a place of great turmoil, further magnifying the dynamism and creativity that underpins BC Camplight's work. Brian Christinzio is definitely here to stay".

God Is In The TV

d. 24. Aug. 2018



Ben Lowes Smith

d. 24. Aug. 2018

"Deportation Blues is Christinzio's best record to date - melodically ambitious, lyrically and thematically acute and sonically scintillating. Really, given that such a wonderful set of songs are indebted to such a turbulent set of situations, this is a record to be cherished".