Music / rock

All things being equal

Reviews (4)

Under the radar

d. 5. June 2020



Dom Gourlay

d. 5. June 2020

"Indeed, there isn't a solitary second where All Things Being Equal feels forced, overwrought, or hackneyed. Instead, this is a record that demands to be heard in one sitting, then repeatedly ad infinitum. "Tawkin Tekno," the only instrumental number on the album, sounds like a Suicide outtake remodeled for the millennial age, while epic closer "I Feel a Change Coming On" finds Kember at his most reflective, yet assured. All things being equal, this is arguably Pete Kember's finest body of work since Spacemen 3".


d. 9. June 2020



Jesse Dorris

d. 9. June 2020

"On his first proper solo album in 30 years, the Spacemen 3 cofounder ruminates on mortality and transcendence over a glowing bed of analog synths".


d. 10. June 2020



Alexis Zygan

d. 10. June 2020

"All Things Being Equal takes the listener on an auditory psychedelic trip, as each track explores humanity's symbiotic relationship with planet Earth amidst an urge for simplicity".


d. 9. Aug. 2020



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 9. Aug. 2020

"[Peter] Kember er aktuel med nyt materiale under Sonic Boom-navnet. Sjældent har musikken været så let tilgængelig, i mange passager er der tale om pop, men de støjende kanter er heldigvis ikke slebet af".