Music / operaarier


Reviews (5)

The observer

d. 6. Nov. 2021



Fiona Maddocks

d. 6. Nov. 2021

"The music is beautifully performed, vivacious, and intelligently programmed. Desandre flies weightlessly around elaborate ornamentation, expressive and precise. The Jupiter players and Dunford excel. And hearing contributions from Desandre's French and Italian senior star colleagues Véronique Gens and Cecilia Bartoli is a bonus".

Presto classical

d. 1. Nov. 2021



Katherine Cooper

d. 1. Nov. 2021

"Editor's choice - October 2021: Her pin-sharp coloratura in showpieces from Vivaldi's Ercole sul Termodonte and Giuseppe de Bottis's Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni rivals that of her mentor Cecilia Bartoli (who joins her in a duet from the latter work), whilst the dignified pathos which she brings to the numerous long-breathed laments put me in mind of Véronique Gens (who also makes a cameo appearance)".

BBC music magazine

2021 November



Anthony Pryer

2021 November

"A selection of opera extracts written between the 1660s and the 1720s. The theme 'Amazone' ticks all the boxes ... it include a breed of empowered women ... No fewer than 15 of the 26 tracks are world premiere recordings. We very quickly learn just how characterful Desandre can be with her amused, laughing reactions to women in battle in 'Non posso far', and the dark glitter of her voice in the melancholic 'Lasciatemi morire', both from Provenzale's 'Lo schiavo di sua moglie'. Technically and stylistically, too, she is very accomplished".

The gramophone

2021 Awards



Mark Seow

2021 Awards

"Editor's choice: This is a stonkingly good album. It makes me wonder: what exactly are these enviously intelligent, inventive and generous musicians drinking? ... Amazone is a journey of delight, dance, mystery, strength and doomed love. I would be greedy to want more. Jupiter, directed by Thomas Dunford, are on spectacular form ... Really, we are utterly spoiled in violin-playing ... the violins match every bit of sparkling coloratura ... Lea Desandre is the perfect Amazonian. Her storytelling is utterly persuasive, which, married with a gorgeously malleable intonation, makes this an entirely enjoyable listen".


2021, nr. 106



Carl-Henric Malmgren (musikanmelder)

2021, nr. 106

"När Lea Desandre sätter tänderna i roller som porträtterar starka kvinnor och amasonkrigare är det till militäriska taktarter och dundrande pukor ... Bonuspoäng för instrumentalstyckena med lutenisten Thomas Dunford och Jupiter-Ensemblen".