Music / operaarier


Reviews (6)

Classics today




Robert Levine (musikanmelder)


"He studied first as a baritone and after a few years of daily, arduous work, became a tenor; but he preserved that baritonal color and strength ... The effect is staggering. One remains agape at, say, the ease with which he pops out the nine high Cs in Tonio's aria from La fille du régiment and later sings the "Largo al factotum", sounding like a fine, agile, burnished baritone ... Spyres is a baritone in baritone roles and a tenor in tenor roles. Or baritenor, if you can grasp the concept ... Is all of the singing perfect? No, but it's close - there's a squeezed high note here and there ... but it's easy to forgive".

Presto classical

d. 24. Sep. 2021



Katherine Cooper

d. 24. Sep. 2021

"Recording of the week: Spyres's programme is no gimmick or grab-bag of show-stoppers, but a carefully-plotted journey through the evolution of the male zwischenfach voice ... And there's never so much as a hint that he's pushing his instrument beyond its comfort-zone for the sake of novelty: instead, we're left with the impression of a singer exploring everything his remarkable voice has to offer".

MusicWeb international

2021 October



Paul Corfield Godfrey

2021 October

"Recommended: What is distinctive in this recital is not so much the exploration by Spyres of this territory on the brink between the tenor and baritone voice, as his combination of the material with such trenchantly tenorial writing as is to be found in the arias by Adam and Donzetti ... A recital which is never less than fascinating and often much more than that. I have neglected to mention the splendid orchestral playing and the involved conducting of Marko Letonja, clearly realised in the atmospheric recording".

BBC music magazine

2021 November



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2021 November

"Opera choice: 'I believe the baritenor is a forgotten vocal phenomenon', he [Spyres] writes ... and he intends to prove it. It's a deeply satisfying proof, Spyres has a remarkable vocal range from the high tessitura ... to the lyrical lower voice ... What Spyres brings to each role here is a pitch-perfect sense of character as he teaches a familiar lesson, that the voice is always in service of the role - however you choose to categorise it ... In a truly remarkable finale to his 'Largo al factotum', Rossini's Figaro is indeed all things to all men vocally".


2021, nr. 106



Carl-Henric Malmgren (musikanmelder)

2021, nr. 106

"Baritenor är inget nytt ord. Rösttypen kallas idag ofta "baryton-martin" efter Jean-Blaise Martin (1768-1837) som besatt en basbaryton-klang med en fin tenorhöjd ... Michael Spyres tar sig an grevens aria från Figaros bröllop i versionen från 1791 omarbetad för baritenor. 'Ah mes amis' från Regimentets dotter med nio höga C och Wagner sjungs med samme lätthet som kupletter från Glada Änkan. Förutfattade meningar om röstfack prövas när Spyres gläntar på en dörr som länge varit stängd".

The gramophone

2021 Awards



Mark Pullinger

2021 Awards

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: Here, Spyres goes solo, mixing up tenor repertoire with plunges into traditional baritone territory, ebulliently accompanied by the Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra under Marko Letonja ... The range of roles is astonishing, but then so are these performances ... Spyres really is a tenor - and a baritone, it seems - who has the operatic world at his feet".