Music / operaarier

Arias for Caffarelli


Barokarier sunget af kastratsangeren Caffarelli (Gaetano Majorano 1710-1783).

Reviews (3)

Fono Forum

2013 Oktober



Arnd Richter

2013 Oktober

"Fagioli und seine Mitstreiter [zeigen] die ganze Bandbreite der Gesangkünste des Caffarelli auf ... Blendende Virtuosität plus gestalterische Noblesse vereint Franco Fagioli auf sich ... Grossartig interagiert der Solist mit dem Orchester ... Erlesener Wohlklang und fesselnde Attacke - zwischen diesen beiden Polen liegt die enorme Bandbreite von Il Pomo d'Oro".

The gramophone

2013 Awards



David Vickers

2013 Awards

"Il Pomo d'Oro play with theatrical verve and Fagioli's rapid high passages are astonishing".

International record review

2013 November



Roger Pines

2013 November

"This disc pays thrilling homage to one of the greatest castrati, Gaetano Majorano. a.k.a. Caffarelli ... The Argentine singer Franco Fagioli ... is probably better equipped to take on high-lying music written for castrati than any other male singer on disc ... He fields a reliable trill and his marksmanship in staccatos is astounding ... He's most impressive in his long-breathed legato ... Il Pomo d'Oro performs immaculately ... The recorded sound is terrific".