Music / rock

Ash & ice

Reviews (4)


d. 14. June 2016



Anna Gaca

d. 14. June 2016

"Like a sullen café server, Ash & Ice does exactly what you expect it to for slightly longer than you'd like it to take, with the minimum of authentic excitement. It is an acceptable listen - on par with the Kills' previous record, 2011's Blood Pressures - but your best hope for enjoying it is to manage your expectations".


d. 7. June 2016



Stuart Berman

d. 7. June 2016

"The Kills enjoy a rarefied status in 2016. As one of the few active acts from the early-'00s garage-rock explosion, they've transcended their early standing as an MTV2-friendly version of Royal Trux to become icons in their own right for a new generation of transgressive rockers. But Ash & Ice betrays the challenge of sustaining fresh inspiration deep into your second decade. The blues may have brought Mosshart and Hince together, but Ash & Ice too readily embodies one of the genre's favored tropes-the struggle to keep on keepin' on".

The guardian

d. 2. June 2016



Tim Jonze

d. 2. June 2016

"Music may have moved on, but the Kills are still wearing skinny jeans and leather while unleashing chugging riffs and pre-programmed rhythms beneath Alison Mosshart's attitude-laced vocals. Perhaps surprisingly, they've not lost their spark".


d. 3. June 2016



Anders Houmøller Thomsen

d. 3. June 2016

"Alison Mosshart fra The Kills har rockhistorisk troværdighed tatoveret på stemmebåndet i en ny sang som "Days of Why and How". Hun forløser nummeret om besættelse og fortabelse med en følsom naturlighed, der både minder om Chrissie Hynde fra The Pretenders og Patti Smith. Sangen er en sort diamant på det nye The Kills-album, og den er ganske typisk for bandet, som dyrker en dunkel bagside-glamour".