Music / hip hop

August Greene

Reviews (2)


d. 9. Mar. 2018



A. Harmony

d. 9. Mar. 2018

"Group mates Karriem Riggins and Robert Glasper make the perfect production duo on August Greene. Full-bodied drums give the album a strong pulse, and Glasper's pensive keys are in deep conversation with your ear, providing a guideline for how to feel. Honest and forthright, Common's lyrics are a roadmap for change ... Optimistic but never mawkish, August Greene distinguishes itself from other socially conscious albums with its practical approach. It's motivational music that, for once, makes change feel less elusive".


d. 14. Mar. 2018



Phillip Mlynar

d. 14. Mar. 2018

"Common teams with Karriem Riggins and Robert Glasper for an album whose best moments suggest a dignified, modern maturation".