
Back to front : live in London

Reviews (2)

All about jazz

d. 20. July 2014



John Kelman

d. 20. July 2014

"At the rate that Gabriel releases new material (it's been more than a decade since his last album of all-new music), who knows when the next one will come. But until then, taking the time to look back at the album that ultimately made so much possible for Gabriel, Back to Front-the tour, and now the concert DVD, Blu- Ray or Deluxe Limited DVD and Blu-Ray Edition-has been a look back that, somehow, doesn't feel like it's a step back. Instead, it's a celebration that brings the music into the 21st century, demonstrating its ongoing importance...and relevance".

All about jazz

d. 20. July 2014



John Kelman

d. 20. July 2014

"At the rate that Gabriel releases new material (it's been more than a decade since his last album of all-new music), who knows when the next one will come. But until then, taking the time to look back at the album that ultimately made so much possible for Gabriel, Back to Front - the tour, and now the concert DVD, Blu-Ray or Deluxe Limited DVD and Blu-Ray Edition - has been a look back that, somehow, doesn't feel like it's a step back. Instead, it's a celebration that brings the music into the 21st century, demonstrating its ongoing importance... and relevance".