Music / folk

Baudelaire & piano

Reviews (3)

The Irish times

d. 11. Sep. 2020



Siobhán Kane

d. 11. Sep. 2020

"The symbiosis of her crystalline vocals with skeletal piano works brilliantly with Baudelaire's explorations about abjection, rejection and desperation. Excerpted from his masterpiece The Flowers of Evil, the stark nature of the arrangements marry with the stark nature of the words, but there is a leavening. The production on The Enemy, The Ghost, and Burial conjures up both 19th-century Paris and 1970s Laurel Canyon Joni Mitchell, with Susanna channelling that rigour, control and true feeling that Mitchell is so synonymous with".





Heather Phares


"Thoughtfully conceived and crafted, Baudelaire & Piano is another bewitching example of what a sensitive and creative interpreter Susanna is -- she lets all the nuances of the poet's words shine through while remaining true to her own muse".


2020 October



Kieron Tyler

2020 October

"With Susanna And The Magical Orchestra in the distant rear-view mirror, 'Baudelaire & Piano' is spiritually akin to [Susanna's] last album, the Hieronymous Bosch-inspired 'Garden Of Earthly Delights' made with the Brotherhood Of Our Lady. In this solo setting, though, Wallumrød's intensity is so foregrounded the best benchmark is Judee Sill at her most wracked - especially on the creepy "Burial". Its coiled-snake restraint means 'Baudelaire & Piano' isn't instant, but it lingers like a vivid dream".

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