Music / rock

Beautiful lies

Reviews (2)

The guardian

d. 24. Mar. 2016



Dave Simpson

d. 24. Mar. 2016

"Confessional balladry from soulful young singer - It's certainly an adult-oriented, mainstream affair, pairing her with producers who have also worked with Adele and Florence and the Machine. Inevitably, big-lunged pop abounds, and the pure vocals first heard on those early indie-rock covers have been applied to slushy ballads about survival".

The Irish times

d. 24. Mar. 2016



Tony Clayton-Lee

d. 24. Mar. 2016

"Confident follow-up from a smart musician - Notwithstanding leaf or two taken from the Lorde handbook, Birdy delivers a special brand of off-centre pop music that directly reference her transition from teenager to adult (she is 20 in May)".