Music / rock

Begin again

Reviews (4)


d. 10. Apr. 2019



Libby Cudmore

d. 10. Apr. 2019

"The album is a singles collection and as such, isn't meant to have a cohesive liner structure. It's also short, seven lean tracks with no filler, a reminder that Jones has enough talent and self-awareness-those two are rarely in concert with each other-to try her hand at multiple genres without stretching herself too thin. Some takes are better than others, but none of them are ever boring".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"During 2018, Norah Jones concentrated her creative endeavors on a series of digital singles that found the singer/songwriter stretching herself stylistically. Usually, she pushed herself by teaming with new, unexpected collaborators, including Wilco's Jeff Tweedy - a tactic that guaranteed a variety of sounds and songs, a practice put into sharp relief by the 2019 release of Begin Again. This brief LP collects the seven songs recorded for this project - all but one released beforehand - and while they're a disparate batch, they nevertheless cohere thanks to their elegant, elastic experimentation".

Consequence of sound

d. 8. Mar. 2019



Gabriel Fine

d. 8. Mar. 2019

"Vurdering: B+" - "Jones makes music purely for the joy of making it. It's this creative drive that leads her to studio sessions and tour dates with the most intriguing artists across the industry. But where genre and production experimentation may lead others astray, Jones brings a particular grace to songwriting that allows her to adapt almost seamlessly to new forms. Begin Again revels in exploration, proving no territory is inaccessible to Jones".

Berlingske tidende

d. 30. Apr. 2019



Kjeld Frandsen

d. 30. Apr. 2019

"Albumtitlen »Begin Again« kunne antyde, at Norah Jones gerne har villet begynde forfra, gå tilbage til sine jazzrødder. Ja, måske fortrænge hele sin øvrige karriere. Men så enkelt er det ikke endda. Der er ikke tale om jazz i helt firkantet forstand, blot er Norah Jones sit eget jazzede univers. Her råder nysgerrighed og frihed, her er kommunikation og kreativitet, og så befinder de syv numre sig i samme univers. Og det er - hvis man forsøger at tolke teksterne - et univers af melankoli og uforløst kærlighed ... Og selv om mange fine nuancer dukker op for hver gennemlytning, bliver oplevelsen af depression mere og mere påtrængende ... [Der afrundes] med »Just a Little Bit« med stærkt pianospil og solide blæsere samt en sortie med det tryglende »I'm on Fire (just a little bit)/Take me higher.« Der er så gået en lille halv times tid. Meget passende. Smertegrænsen er nået".