Music / rock

Belladonna of sadness

Reviews (3)





Rob Wacey


"With some of the album co-written with Arctic Monkeys' Alex Turner, Savior's sound and imagination have been effectively realized and captured here in a magnetic collection of songs with an almost Lynch-ian/Coppola-esque cinematic feel to them. An impressive debut from a very promising songwriter, hopefully with more to come".


d. 19. Apr. 2017



Hilary Hughes

d. 19. Apr. 2017

"The young American singer launches her career with a slinky, vintage album featuring production from Arctic Monkeys' Alex Turner-though it sounds more like Turner side-project than a showcase debut ... Her voice and affectations are so guided by the heavy hands of Turner and Ford that Belladonna of Sadness is largely indistinguishable from their work: At best, Savior is a muse for her own introduction; at worst, she's a conduit who's yet to prove that she can hold her own with the company she keeps".

The observer

d. 9. Apr. 2017



Bernadette McNulty

d. 9. Apr. 2017

"Blessed with a crystalline, intimate voice - think a less cabaret Lana del Rey - she channels the outsider cool of the cult 70s Japanese anime the album is named after. However, Turner's retro snap, crackle and pop and Ford's studio shimmer polish Savior too much out of the picture, leaving her sounding like an imitation, rather than the real thing".