Music / rock

Blood in blood out

Reviews (2)

The guardian

d. 9. Oct. 2014



Dom Lawson

d. 9. Oct. 2014

"The last two Exodus albums took the Bay Area thrash legends into firmly progressive and contemporary territory, with a bewildering number of riffs piled up like bones on a funeral pyre. While those records confirmed the band's ability to move with the times, it's hard to deny that Blood In, Blood Out's wholesale return to the vicious thrash simplicity that Exodus helped to define 30 years ago is a joyous and welcome development. The return of vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza - absent since 2004's Tempo of the Damned - certainly helps too, his rasping cackle adding bug-eyed intensity to the hostile refrains of Black 13, Collateral Damage and the gleefully gruesome Body Harvest. What really shines through here, however, is just how much feral energy these haggard veterans still have".

Gaffa [online]

d. 11. Oct. 2014



Keld Rud

d. 11. Oct. 2014

"Jeg kan ikke beskrive albummet som andet end en skuffelse, til trods for, at det det også har sine stærke øjeblikke ... Gary Holt er stadig en mester i at skrive riff, og i Collataral Damage og Honor Killings har Exodus skrevet to sange, der er deres navn værdige. Der er dog alt for meget materiale, der fører tankerne hen på midaldrende mænd, der forsøger at antænde våde grillkul. Som fx albumåbner Black 13, der er uendelig lang tid om at sætte fra land. Og da det endelig sker, virker det som noget af et antiklimaks".