Music / folkemusik


Reviews (1)


2015 December



Andrew Cronshaw

2015 December

"Möller's playing style remains hugely individual and powerful, putting his whole body into physically emphasising the rhythms of polska and halling with deep lurches and flurries of triplets, combining melody and rhythm. It's far from the way the flat-back bouzouki, mandola, mandocello or cittern is genrally used today in other areas of European music. This album is a definitive display of that; brilliant tunes and songs, displaying fascinating complexity of melody and rhythm in magnificently communicative, memorable and involving music without a trace of technique-for-its-own-sake ... For a fun illustration of the way Möller captures the essence of this Swedish music, listen to his mash-up singing Paul Simon's Feelin' Groovy and Mrs Robinson as a polska in Polska Efter Pål Simon. Some years I have difficulty nominating a Reissue of the Year; no problem this time".