Music / folkemusik

Untold tails

Reviews (2)

Roots zone

d. 8. Jan. 2017



Nils Thorlund

d. 8. Jan. 2017

"Både kompositioner, arrangementer og instrumentering visualiserer effektfuldt et mosbegroet landskab med lav sol gennem et uendeligt antal nåletræer, hvori de finurlige små væsner stikker deres hoveder frem. En sand eventyrverden ... Der skal kraftigt opfordres til en eventyrlig rejse ind i troldenes stemningsdampende verden - gerne med en god dram fyrrenålekrydret brændevin".


2017 April



Chris Nickson

2017 April

"The second album from the Danish seven-piece is based, apparently, on "Nordic fairytales and mythology". But while that might be the inspiration for composer Martin Seeberg (a veteran of many Danish bands from Sorten Muld onwards), there's nothing airy-fairy about the music. Much of it is aimed squarely at the dance floor, often sprightly and, well, enchanting. Between them, the members play a total of fourteen instruments, bring plenty of tonal variety and colour to the music, shading it with delicacy ... It's a disc that definitely establishes Trolska Polska as a band and Seeberg as one of Denmark's leading folk composers".