Music / rock

Bury the moon

Reviews (2)

Evening Standard

d. 7. Feb. 2020



Harry Fletcher

d. 7. Feb. 2020

"Icelandic singer-songwriter fades into sensitive folktronica's background ... recalling these artists and other Bon Iver-soundalikes is the album's weakness as well as its strength. While well constructed, there's little to differentiate it from the influx of sensitive folktronica over recent years - there are so many artists making similar stuff, it's a wonder they haven't all moved into a shack in the woods, pulled on their chunky-knit sweaters and formed a supergroup. Bury The Moon isn't the album to make Asgeir stand out from the crowd".

Gaffa [online]

d. 7. Feb. 2020



Nicklas Christensen

d. 7. Feb. 2020

"Det er hverken for sjov eller tilfældigt, at blot 27-årige Ásgeir Trausti i efterhånden en del år for mange har fremstået som en af Islands dygtigste og mest fremtonende kunstnere (...) Men nu er luften tilsyneladende gået lidt af ballonen ... mest af alt virker Bury the Moon som en gejser, der ikke sådan for alvor orker at sprutte, eller en lagune, hvor vandtemperaturen ligger et godt stykke under stuetemperatur. Uden nerve og uden varme ... Tag ikke fejl. Hele molevitten er velproduceret og stilren".