Music / renæssance -> 1600

Cantate Domino

Reviews (6)

Classics today




David Vernier


"This recording purports to be the "first studio album ever to be recorded in the Sistine Chapel", and that will be a major selling point for many listeners. The repertoire also is attractive ... The singing throughout, from this impressive choir of approximately 60 men and boys, is excellent, and if you want a highlight, it is their performance of Palestrina's marvelous motet Sicut cervus ... The chapel's acoustic characteristics: to be kind, it's not an ideal place to make a recording".

Kulturradio RBB

d. 6. Oct. 2015



Astrid Belschner

d. 6. Oct. 2015

"Es ist außerordentlich schwer, einen so besonderen Ort klanglich abzubilden, die außergewöhnliche Akustik, die sich durch das Gewölbe und die Altarräume bildet, einzufangen ... Der Chor singt sehr klangvoll und ausgewogen, was auch durch die kraftvollen Männerstimmen, die ihm eine besonders tragende Basis geben, verstärkt wird ... Es ist eine sehr empfehlenswerte CD, die uns akustisch einen kleinen Blick in die heiligen Sixtinischen Gemäuer gewährt".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 13. Nov. 2015



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 13. Nov. 2015

"For første gang nogensinde har Vatikanet åbnet dørene til det ikoniske Sixtinske Kapel for en lydoptagelse. En ny cd fra Deutsche Grammophon ... demonstrerer det berømte kapels enestående akustik og lyden af pavens eget kor ... Deres sang passer som fod i hose til denne musik, hvoraf Giovanni Palestrina, der selv var korsanger som dreng ... står for halvdelen af værkerne".

BBC music magazine

2016 January



Anthony Pryer

2016 January

"This disc of sacred polyphony and plainsong is an interesting exercise in advocacy for the current Sistine Chapel Choir under its director Massimo Palombella. He tells us the performances will be dynamic, fluid and expressive unlike the 'black-and-white' visions favoured in North European performances ... The chanting of Christus factus est is a revelation, with every inflection implied by the notation executed".


2015 decembre



Benoît Fauchet

2015 decembre

The gramophone

2015 December



Edward Breen

2015 December

"Mannered singing may be out of favour among many professional ensembles but here it is executed with such conviction that it creates one of the most expressive and atmospheric recordings of this repertoire in recent years".