Music / opera

Castor & Pollux

Reviews (3)

BBC music magazine

2015 August



Anne Picard

2015 August

"Vurdering: BBC music opera choice" - "Emmanuelle de Negri delivers a plangent account of Télaïre's Act II lament 'Tristes apprêts' ... Clémentine Margaine is a characterful Phébé with a powerful, coppery chest voice ... Though the Underworld never sounds as terrifying as it does in Hippolyte et Aricie, this is a compelling and polished performance".

Fono Forum

2015 Oktober



Christoph Vratz

2015 Oktober

"Die Solisten sind ... in den weiblichen Hauptpartien ausgeglichen besetzt - allesamt schlanke Stimmen, die elegant mit dem Spiel des Ensemble Pygmalion zu einer Einheit verschmelzen. Gleiches gilt übrigens auch für den hochrangigen Chor".

The gramophone

2015 July



Richard Lawrence

2015 July

"As usual with Rameau, the dance music is a delight, and it's beautifully played. Another pleasure is the high-quality casting of Philippe Talbot and Sabine Devieilhe in minor roles ... [Ainsworth's] voice is still in excellent shape, the top notes light and unforced, while his declaiming of the text sounds free and natural ... The chorus and orchestra under Raphaêl Pichon are first-rate ... All in all, this is a splendid achievement".